Academic mobility of KazNMU teaching staff at the University of Milan, Italy

At the invitation of the University of Milan, a group of teachers of “NJSC” KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov: Professor Toguzbaeva K.K., assistant Khozhamkul R., and lecturer Zhumagaliuly A. within the framework of academic mobility, from March 6 to 16, conducted practical classes for bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral students and teaching staff on the main sections of occupational and environmental hygiene, and radiation hygiene. During the trainings, jointly developed training methods on the main sections of occupational health and the environment were discussed and implemented.

The main problems of prevention of occupational diseases caused by various types of harmful factors of the production environment were also discussed. In particular, the issues of prevention of asbestos, various types of pneumoconiosis and other pathologies at the present stage were discussed. Radiation hygiene issues were considered separately.