According to the plan of educational activities of the Faculty in lecture hall # 2 at 12.00 hours on 3th of Marchwas held an event devoted to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event was organized and held by the departments ofNutrition,Biostatistics and General hygiene.
The script was prepared by an a lecturer of Biostatistics Department TulemisovaV.Zh., a lecturer of Nutrition Department TarakovaG.A.,assistant professor ofGeneral hygieneDepartmentAnambaeva A.I. The script was approved by the director of Department of student’s socio-cultural competences development. The purposeof the event-to introduce students toa variety oftraditions, history, original, uniquecultureof the Kazakhpeoplefor understandingthe origins ofethnic development, the priorityof spiritual,moral values,to preservethe cultural identity ofthe younger generation.
The event was attended by more than 100 students and staff of the departments of Nutrition,Biostatistics and General hygiene. Great support was provided by University’s Scientific Library, which specially has organized an Books’ exhibition. All participants were noted by recognition letters. The audience appreciated the creativity and mastership of the students, who participated in this event. Students expressed the desire to continue carrying out such activities and even at the university level.