Faculty of municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers
General information
The municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers faculty is the main faculty of medical and prophylaxis faculty. On faculty preparation on municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers and many electives is conducted. Teaching of students of medical and prophylaxis faculty, general medicine, nurse business, public healthcare is led. The faculty was founded in 1991. It was organized by professor Nemenko B.A. The collective of faculty constantly caries out improvement of teaching and methodical work. On faculty the scientific student’s circle operates, greater research work is conducted. The faculty of municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers is the rallied, amicable collective with the greater creative potential.
History of the faculty
The first faculty manager was Korjakin I.S. — the outstanding scientist, the hygienist, professor, the author of 160 scientific works, including 4 monographies. He passed the labour activity from the regional health officer up to the deputy minister of public health services. Since 1939 he was the Chairman of Board of the Kazakh republican branch and a member of problem commission AMS of the USSR on a problem «Hygiene», a member of KazSSR committee on water resources and sanitary protection of atmospheric air, a member of the incorporated Advice (council) of institute of the Regional pathology, physiology and surgery of Academy of sciences KazSSR since 1951. In 1948 — 1955 he worked as the editor-in-chief of magazine «Public health services of Kazakhstan», since 1955 the associate editor of this magazine, and also a member of editorial magazine «Hygiene and sanitary». In 1946-1951 managed faculty of municipal hygiene, stood at sources of origin of municipal hygiene, as sciences in Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 1951 — 1959 the head faculty is Kudijarov P.M. — deserved doctor of KazSSR, the senior lecturer, worked managing city and regional health care, the deputy minister of public health services on the staff. In 1950 — 1958 was the dean of sanitary-and-hygienic faculty.
Hygienist Smirnov V.A. in 1958-60 managed faculty of hygiene of children and teenagers, the senior lecturer. He headed problem commission on a problem «Physiology, pathology, hygiene of teenage age». In 1945 — 1955 he was the manager of sanitary-and-hygienic faculty.
Since 1960 head of municipal faculty hygiene is Daulbaev F.A. the hygienist, the professor, the author more than 100 scientific works. In 1955 — 1960 worked in combination as the dean of sanitary-and-hygienic faculty, in 1976 — 1980 the pro-rector on study of АSМI, in 1980 was appointed the rector of Institute of doctors’ improvement.
Under their management passed becoming a domestic hygienic science. In 1964 in connection with translation of sanitary-and-hygienic faculty in the Karaganda medical institute, faculties were closed.
Collective of the faculty in 1960-s
In 1989 in АSМI the sanitary-and-hygienic university, and by the first specialized faculty uniting two discipline is again organized, the faculty of municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and the teenagers was open in 1991 which was organized by professor Nemenko B.A.
Collective of the faculty in 1990-s
Originally the faculty was small collective of the doctors invited from different establishments of Alma-Ata city. Prof. Nemenko B.A member of АМS of Kazakhstan headed faculty. For the labour activity he within 12 years, held a post of the first deputy director of scientific research institute of hygiene and occupational diseases, was the first vice-president of Scientific medical Advice (council) of Ministry of Health of KazSSR, supervising all hygienic science of republic, consist a member of the All-Union problem commissions «Scientific bases of hygiene of an environment» and «Scientific bases of hygiene of children and teenagers».
Since 1995 is the member — correspondent of Academy of medical sciences of Kazakhstan and the chairman of section of hygiene in it. Has published more than 300 works, 4 monographies, under his management it is protected 15 master’s theses. The basic scientific activity is devoted to problems of an environment and a state of health of the population, depending on various factors.
Professor Nemenko B.A. is the author of 5 textbooks on municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers (in the state and Russian languages), for high schools and colleges. Now students of all high schools of Republic are engaged under these textbooks.
Work on faculty was begun in difficult conditions: there were no educational base, educational rooms, equipment. It was necessary to develop methodical materials. The first educational base of faculty effort prof. Nemenko B.A. to orders АSMU transferred a two-storied building which was equipped with all necessary. On this base the faculty has developed chemical laboratory, a photo laboratory, laboratory for scientific researches.
The collective of faculty replenished only with health officers — graduates of the Karaganda Medical institute (Uvazhanova A.S., Ospanova G.K., Berdalina R.A.), and then graduates АSМI (Abdrazakova S.U., Zhusupov A.A., Adimoldaev E.B., Tulebaeva G.R., Bekkazinova D.B., Arynova G.A., Stybaeva G.S., Elgondina G.B., Il’jasova A.A., and Dosmuhametov A.T., Tekmanova A.K., Sakeev A.O., Kazhibekova R.A.). Many of them in the subsequent have protected dissertational works, steel the senior teachers, senior lecturers, are engaged in scientific work, and are competitors. In 1997-98 educational year the faculty was completely completed and totaled 22 persons of the faculty. Professor Nemenko B.A. creates a full lecture rate on municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers, methodical instructions for students and teachers, the typical curriculum on a specialty.
Within these years work on perfection of educational process is constantly conducted, new forms of work, such as testing are introduced. All collective of faculty participates in this work. Questions for the test control on all sections of municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers, tests on survival rate of knowledge of students, as on state, and Russian languages are created. Employments are equipped with enough of tables, slides and all necessary study -methodical materials. The faculty of faculty constantly will carry out improvement of study-methodical work, using thus substantive provisions before the existing unified programs.
Within becoming faculty, communication with an output of the law on the state Language, before faculty there was a big problem of reorganization of educational process in this direction. The collective was filled up with employees owning Kazakh language to which in brief term all study-methodical materials were transferred, lectures, methodical instructions and grants. By forces of faculty in the Kazakh language were issued: a management on hygiene of children and teenagers and 7 sections on municipal hygiene.
For maintenance of training of students on faculty dictionaries of the basic terms on both disciplines in the Kazakh and Russian languages are made. In 2003, 2004 and 2005 under authorship of prof. B.A.Nemenko textbooks « Municipal hygiene » for younger and senior rates of sanitary-and-hygienic faculty in the state and Russian languages (translators Abdrazakova S.U., асс. Arynova G.A.).
Since 2013 Faculty manager is prof. Bekbosynov Temyrkhan Kadyrbekovich. Bekbosynov in 1972 graduated the Alma-Ata state medical institute, medical faculty. After Intership at the regional clinical hospital of Alma-Ata he worked as a otolaryngologist, surgeon, head physician in the Dzhambul area of the Alma-Ata area since 1973 to 1984.
Since 1984 to 1985 he passed clinical internship at the Kazakh scientific research institute of tuberculosis Ministry of Health RK. Since 1985 to 1989 the younger scientific expert, the senior scientific expert of the scientific research institute of tuberculosis Ministry of Health RK. Since 1987 the candidate of medical sciences on a speciality phthisiology. Since 1997 — the doctor of medical sciences, the professor on specialities hygiene, phthisiology.
Prof. Bekbosynov T.K.
Since 1989 to 2000 worked as the senior, The main scientific expert in Institute of nutrition of National academy of sciences RК. Since 2000 to 2007 — the professor, manager of the nutrition faculty of the Kazakh National medical university by the name of S.D.Asfendiyarov. Since February 2007 till August, 2013 — the professor of the municipal hygiene faculty and hygiene of children and teenagers of КazNMU. Since autumn 2013 he manages the faculty.
For many years he was the official representative of Ministry of Health of Republic Kazakhstan on co-ordination of nutrition questions, epidemiology and perfection of antitubercular service in Kazakhstan.
Since 1994 to 1996 he was a technical director of the large-scale international program of medical-demographic research in Kazakhstan, financed by USAID. Since 1998 to 2000 prof. Bekbosynov T.K. was the head of other international programs (UNISEF, the United Nations) on problems of iron deficiency anemia in Kazakhstan and republics of Central Asia.
Prof. Bekbosynov T.K. organizes work on creative cooperation with other scientific institutes and representations of the international organizations (UNICEF of the United Nations, USAID, the WHO, the World Bank and other). He works on improvement of professional skill of medical workers of republic and preparation of the scientific staff.
In 2010 prof. Bekbosynov T.K. was awarded by medal of the Ministry of Education and a science of Republic Kazakhstan «For development of science in Republic Kazakhstan». Participates in work on the organization of scientific conferences, meetings, seminars. He has more than 100 scientific publications and monographies including the monography in Russian and English languages «Medical-demographic research, Kazakhstan», «Preventive maintenance and treatment of adiposity».
Prof. Bekbosynov T.K. is held in respect of KazNMU collective and the faculty of municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers.
Since the first year of existence on faculty the student’s circle works. Its sessions which not only pull together teachers and trainees will periodically be carried out, but also comprehensively allow students to show the abilities, and sometimes and talent. Certainly, it considerably influences cognitive interest of the student to discipline, make active motivation for the profound studying not only educational, but also the scientific literature. For a number of years students of our faculty occupied prize-winning places at faculty and university scientific — student’s conferences, were marked by letters, diplomas and were encouraged with monetary premiums.
Employees of faculty conduct the big research work. For the period of existence of faculty it is published more than 300 scientific articles, 1 monography is issued, is protected 7 dissertations. Researches of faculty are devoted to pressing questions of a lay-out and a sanitary accomplishment of cities and villages of Kazakhstan, studying of heavy metals in an environment, to influence of various factors on formation of health of children and teenagers. A lot of attention is given forecasting of quality of an inhabitancy of the person and the diseases connected to change of an environment. Estimated exponents of the importance of responses of an organism on influence of an environment for the first time are developed, researches on studying a role средовых and genetic factors in этиологии and патогенезе diseases will be carried out.
The major question is increase of pedagogical professionalism of teachers of faculty. Many years the school of the young teacher which is visited by assistants with the experience of work in this post less than 5 years works. The closing stage of employment at this school is certification of the teacher.
On faculty teachers of medical high schools of Kazakhstan, including employees KazNMU pass improvement of professional skill.
Faculty, in the person prof. Nemenko B.A., rendered all these years and renders the big help to practical public health services of republic. According to Constitution РК with 1997 have lost force all statutory acts of the former USSR. In this connection it was necessary to reconsider the documentation of the sanitary legislation, a basis of work of health officers, and as training of students. It is work it was charged to conducting hygienists of republic. Prof. Nemenko B.A. who many years was the main non-staff expert, was necessary to head the specified work on two disciplines municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers. For short term under his management at participation of practical public health services all basic documents of the sanitary legislation on hygiene of children and teenagers were reconsidered and 3 volumes of collections of statutory acts on municipal hygiene and 1 volume on hygiene of children and teenagers are issued.
About today together with leading experts of sanitary-and-epidemiologic service revision of statutory acts of the sanitary legislation on two disciplines is carried out.
In a state language prepares master’s theses of Abdrazakova S.U., assistant Elgondina G.B.
For successful development of faculty the special attention is given base preparation of the health officer — with the purpose of improvement of quality of training innovational technologies of training are entered, is reconsidered old and the new methodical material is created, interaction with establishments of preparation of experts of a sanitary-and-hygienic structure. For the best introduction of scientific results in practice of public health services practical workers for joint performance of research works are involved.
As a whole, work of faculty is focused on preparation of experts in the field of the hygiene, capable to estimate and predict a sanitary condition of objects of an environment, a level of health of the population, in particular children’s. Life puts forward a new problem that is stimulus for the further perfection of the work, development of its new forms and methods before collective of faculty. Today the faculty of municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers is the rallied, amicable collective with the big creative potential.
Scientific activity of faculty.
Employees of faculty conduct greater research work. For the period of existence of faculty it is published more than 300 scientific articles, 1 monography is published, dissertations of employees of faculty are protected. Researches of faculty are devoted to pressing questions of a lay-out and a sanitary accomplishment of cities and villages of Kazakhstan, studying of heavy metals in an environment, to influence of various factors on formation of health of the children’s population. A lot of attention is given forecasting of quality of an inhabitancy of the person and the diseases connected with change of an environment. For the first time estimated exponents of the importance of responses of an organism on influence of an environment are developed, researches on studying a role средовых and genetic factors in этиологии and патогенезе diseases are carried out, standards of physical development for children and teenagers of Kazakhstan are established.
In 2010 employees of faculty were executors of the scientific project of the Program of the Technical help of the CIS (TACІS) at financial support of the European Union, in cooperation with the Netherlands Red Cross and the Society of a red Half moon of Republic Kazakhstan — « Development of public awareness on problems of preservation of the environment at schools and communities of city Almaty.
In 2011 — 2013 the faculty is a coauthor of the epidemiological block of the scientific and technical program « Development of model (program) of antiageing in maintenance of active longevity of advanced age persons in Kazakhstan ». Employees of faculty carry out researches of key aspects of the ageing reasons in interrelation with adverse factors of environment.
On faculty the scientific student’s circle operates. For a number of years students of faculty borrowed prize-winning places at faculty and university scientifically-student’s conferences, have noted been by letters, diplomas and encouraged with monetary premiums, winners of the International forum «Youth in a science» at Fund of the First President of Republic Kazakhstan, winners and participants of Republican competition on natural sciences. Employees of faculty in common with students publish clauses in scientific magazines and participate in conferences, including international.
The student of 5-th rate behind the analysis of heavy metals in
atmosphere photometer AAS — 1N
Study-methodical work.
On faculty work on perfection of educational process is constantly conducted, new forms of work are introduced. All collective of faculty participates in this work. Questions for the test control over all sections of municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers, tests on survival rate of knowledge of students, as on state, and Russian languages are created. Employment are equipped by enough of tables, slides, all necessary Study -methodical materials and the normative documents developed, including employees of faculty. The faculty of faculty constantly spends improvement of Study -methodical work, using thus substantive provisions of the existing unified programs. Under direction of prof. Nemenko B.A. enters new interactive forms of training with use of the multimedia equipment. For maintenance of training of students on faculty dictionaries of the basic terms on both disciplines on Kazakh and Russian are made.
The major question is increase of pedagogical professionalism of teachers of faculty. Many years the school of the young teacher which is visited by assistants with the experience of work in this post less than 5 years works. The closing stage of employment at this school is certification of the teacher. According to regulations about the intrahigh school control in КаzNMU, on the basis of a long-term plan on faculty work under the intracathedral control is spent, teachers exchange experience on the open employment.
Senior lecturer Bekkazinova D.B.
All teachers have passed primary specialization on Courses of qualification improvement, and also repeated specialization on the basis of КаzNMU. Employees of faculty annually raise the professional qualification in various directions (hygiene, pedagogic, psychology, innovative technologies in formation, management in public health services, demonstrative medicine, English and Kazakh language, computer science, etc.). On faculty there pass improvement of professional skill teachers of medical high schools of Kazakhstan, including employees of КаzNMU.
Senior lecturer Uvazhanova A.S. with students
For successful development of faculty the special attention is given base preparation of the health officer. With the purpose of improvement of quality of training innovative technologies of training are entered, is reconsidered old and the new methodical material is created, interaction with establishments of preparation of experts of a sanitary-and-hygienic structure on which the industrial practice of students is spent becomes stronger. For the best introduction of scientific results in practice of public health services practical workers for joint performance of research works are involved.
For realization of the program of preparation of high quality experts of a hygienic structure solves a question of integration with high schools not only Kazakhstan, but also Russia, Ukraine, and also other CIS countries. With this purpose training students under uniform typical programs and standards of formation is spent.
According to the program of the academic mobility in КazNMU the exchange of students between our faculty and hygienic faculties of medical high schools of Astana and Karaganda have been carried out for 2 years.
In conditions of formation of the strategic concept of development КаzNMU it. S.D.Asfendiyarov, special attention is given quality of preparation of experts. The faculty of municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers is «trailblazer» on many «base» questions of hygiene and sanitary.
In conformity with strategy of the university 2 young trainees-teachers — graduates of our high school are accepted on the faculty. They successfully comprehend elements of pedagogical skill and aspire to come nearer to a high level of professionalism of faculty’s teachers.
The faculty these years rendered all and renders greater help to practical public health services of republic. According to Constitution РК with 1997 statutory acts of the former USSR have become invalid all. In this connection it was necessary to reconsider the documentation of the sanitary legislation, a basis of work of health officers, and as training of students. It is work it has been charged to leading hygienists of republic. Prof. Nemenko B.A. has headed the specified work on two disciplines municipal hygiene and hygiene of children and teenagers. For 1995-1997 Under its management at participation of practical public health services the basic documents of the sanitary legislation have been reconsidered all and 3 volumes of the Collection of statutory acts on municipal hygiene and 1 volume on hygiene of children and teenagers are let out.
Educational work.
The faculty carries out greater work with students on patriotic both international education and propagation of a healthy way of life. Meetings of students with heads of a public health service concerning employment will be organized, to rules of reception on public service, etc. For aesthetic education of youth excursions in museums, on exhibitions, campaigns in theatre and cinema will be organized. Educational work is spent not only among students, but also among schoolboys — in common with students at schools conversations on formation at children of a healthy way of life will be organized. Besides the faculty is responsible on vocational guidance of schoolboys.
Employees of faculty in common with students participate in carrying out общеуниверситетских actions «New year », «Nauryz», «Student’s spring», etc. On faculty various conferences both scientifically-cognitive, and educational character will be organized.
The address of faculty – st. Utepov 19а, ph. 337 80 22