The Department of experimental hygiene (later on the general hygiene department) – one of the oldest in KazNMU, has been organized on February, 1930.
The first head of Department of experimental hygiene had been appointed Mr. Katsva M. P, then in December, 1931 by the order № 197 the head of Department became Mr. Ilyin-Kakuev. Later on Mr. Popov Nikolay Nikolaevich – one of the first organizers of public health services in Kazakhstan, had been appointed for the head of Department post.
The creation of the Department and scientific researches in hygiene conducted on its field became the basis on which the whole hygienic science in Republic was developed.
In the post-war period scientific researches were conducted in basic directions: planning and improvement of cities, organization of rural water supply, planning new industrial centers, hygiene of village. During that period the head of Department was the doctor of medical sciences, the professor, the honored worker of a science Mr. Korjakin Ivan Sergeevich (1948 – 1968), used to work at Almaty’s state medical institute for more than 30 years.
In 1968 the doctor of medical sciences, professor Mr. Daulbaev F.A. becomes the head of Department. Under his management new approaches were developed for: water supply improvement in republic, preventive maintenance of gastrointestinal diseases, caries, fluorosis, especially among agricultural population.
In 1980 with the arrival of new general hygiene head of Department – the doctor of medical sciences, professor Mr. Amrin Kazi Rahimzhanovich, the development of new environment preservation research directions, of person’s inhabitancy quality and the environment change-connected diseases forecasting, of estimated indicators began.
In 1994 the Department was divided into: «The general hygiene «and» the Medical ecology» headed by the doctor of medical sciences Mrs. Shortanbaeva M.A. and Mrs. Omarova M.N. accordingly.
Since 1995 until nowadays the general hygiene and ecology head of Department is the doctor of medical sciences, the professor, Kazakhstani NMA’s corresponding member Mr. Kenessariyev Ussen Ismailovich. Professor Kenessariyev U.I. has a wide experience in the RoK’s medical science organization: since 1983 up to 1989 headed the science department and scientifically-technical management of KazSSR’s Ministry of Health, further on was the scientific work deputy director at the Hygiene and Occupational Diseases Scientific Research Institute. In 1995 on the basis of CSRL ASMI he had organized a «Medical ecology» problem laboratory. Nowadays he is the head of Chair of the scientific problem commission.

Scientific researches that are held under the direction of professor Kenessariev are devoted for an important environmental problem – to increase the reliability and hygienic efficiency of actions made for the environment preservation, health of the population and preventive maintenance of diseases in ecologically unsuccessful regions of RoK.
According with the National program «people’s Health» since 1995 until 2008 numerous research works were set.
A number of actual international scientific projects and programs has been realized: The central-Asian project for development of mountains (Switzerland), the project with KOVI – the Danish multi-disciplinary advisory company with the international orientation, the project flashpoints – “Environment – Health of the person” (US Aid), projects with UN representation in RoK, the international oil and gas companies «Agip», “British Gas”, «Chevron-Texaco», «LUK Oil», «Tengiz-Chevroil», with the American ecological company “Arthur D. Little”, «Hurricane Oil Products».
The Department’s employees with scientific reports acted and passed training in Switzerland, England, USA, Egypt, Israel, Italy and the CIS countries, on a regular base take part in conferences, symposiums and seminars of all levels, and also in work (membership) of various constantly operating committees, councils, associations, academies of the international and republican levels.
Department’s scientific achievements are successfully implemented into educational process.
For the first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan Department’s employees (authors Kenessariyev U.I., Balmahaeva R. M, Begmagambetova Z.D., Zhakashov N.Z., etc.) released a textbook (at 2009 in Russian, at 2010 in a state language) for medical students, where basic questions, that are to be solved by science and practice of hygiene in modern times for human health preservation and enhancement as well as for disease prevention, were discussed.
In 2011-2012 the general hygiene and ecology Department’s numerical structure consists of 14 persons, including 1 doctor of sciences (the head of Chair, Professor Kenessariyev U.I.) and 7 candidates of science.
Professors visiting Department:
In March 2011 the International workshop «Problems of Human Ecology, environmental health and health risks assessment», was organized by the General Hygiene and Ecology Department, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence.
Presentations with Russian Federation’s leading hygienic scientists’ lectures were presented on the workshop:
RAMS Academician Yu. A. Rakhmanin – Director of the FGBU Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after A.N. Sysin, MHSD
Professor Avaliani S.L. — Head of the Communal Hygiene Department and Head of the Authority’s risks assessment of SEI SPE Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Health Ministry of Russian Federation.
In November-December 2011 by the Department was conducted a master class «Risks to human health nutritional origin. Risks Management» by Professor Perevalov Alexander Yakovlevich — Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, academician of Natural Sciences Academy, Russian Federation’s Higher School’s Honored Worker, Head of Food Hygiene and GDiP Department at Perm city State Medical Academy, General Director of CJSC «Ural Regional Center of Power», Perm city.
Michael S. Brodie — Dr. PhD in ecology, a senior scientist and environmentalist at Environmental Protection Agency, USA. He is well-known for his outstanding works in the field of ecology and the «population’s health risks assessment».
Alexander Golub — Dr. PhD in Mathematical Economics and Economical Sciences, executive director of global environmental markets, energy markets, SRI, and climate policy, USA.
They have conducted a master class «Assessing and managing public health risks» as part of the RoK’s Ministry of Education program «020 Preparation of specialists with higher postgraduate education and giving social assistance for students.»
Lectures, practical classes, individual lessons in groups and round table discussions were held as a part of the master class.

Workshop participants noted that the Republic of Kazakhstan already held a lot of work to prevent environmental pollution and adverse effects of air, water and soil pollution on the population’s health.
Nowadays the world is focused on assessing public health risks due to the influence of environmental factors. Knowledge of risks calculation in a timely manner will help to predict the adverse effects of environmental pollution and facilitate the development of preventive measures.
However, in Kazakhstan studies on public health risks assessment have not yet received an adequate scope.
In October 2011 was created an innovative Research and Development Consortium (contract № 33.10.11 from 10/25/2011), which included KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov and «Kenesary Company» LLP. For carrying out joint activities each party makes its own contribution in accordance with the terms of the contract.
The basis for the activities of the Consortium is the General Hygiene and Ecology Department.
«Kenesary Company» specialization profile is an environmental health with an international orientation. The company has a multiple years experience in providing independent research and advisory services on a contractual basis to private and public sectors’ customers. the company The company made a large number of expert advices on projects, commissioned by private and public enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the UN RC, oil and gas companies and other international organizations.
«Kenesary Company» has an extensive experience in assessing the quality of the environment, health status epidemiological studies, in-depth population’s medical examinations etc., the study of population’s social priorities and health, assessment of nutritional status and development of recommendations for streamlining, development of legislative and regulatory documents and regulations. «Kenesary Company» carries out research and expert work mainly with companies: “Karachaganak Petroleum Operating», «Agip KCO», «Tengizchevroil», «Offshore Kazakhstan International Operating».
«Kenesary Company » LLP, which had joined the consortium, is currently commissioned by LLC «Karachaganak Petroleum Operating (KPO) BV» for conducting researches on the development of SPZ KOGCF.
This work will be carried out until the end of 2013.
Department of General Hygiene and Ecology
Currently, professor Kenesary U.I. is a full member of the Russian and European AES, the owner of the badge «ҚР денсаулық сақтау ісінің үздігі», «Honored Worker of Education of Kazakhstan», «Денсаулық сақтау ісіне қосқан үлесі үшін», «For merits in the development of science RK» Order Pirogov EAES, Silver Medal. Pavlov RAES «For the development of medicine and health» and the honorary title of «Best University Teacher of Kazakhstan 2013». Presidential Decree awarded the medal «Ерең еңбегі үшін.»
The Department of Experimental Hygiene is one of the oldest at KazNMU. He was first organized in February of 1932.
The first head of Department of Experimental Hygiene had been appointed Mr.Popov Nikolay Nikolaevich – one of the first organizers of public health services in Kazakhstan, had been appointed for the head of Department post.
In the post-war period scientific researches were conducted in basic directions: planning and improvement of cities, organization of rural water supply, planning new industrial centers, hygiene of village. During that period the head of Department was the doctor of medical sciences, the professor, the honored worker of a science Mr.Koriakin Ivan Sergeevich (1948 – 1968), used to work at Almaty’s state medical institute for more than 30 years.
In 1968 the doctor of medical sciences, professor Mr. Daulbaev F.A. becomes the head of Department. Under his management new approaches were developed for: water supply improvement in republic, preventive maintenance of gastrointestinal diseases, caries, fluorosis, especially among agricultural population.
In 1980 with the arrival of new general hygiene head of Department – the doctor of medical sciences, professor Mr. Amrin Kazi Rahimzhanovich, the development of new environment preservation research directions, of person’s inhabitancy quality and the environment change-connected diseases forecasting, of estimated indicators began.
Since 1995 until nowadays the general hygiene and ecology head of Department is the doctor of medical sciences, the professor, Kazakhstani NMA’s corresponding member Mr. Kenessariyev Ussen Ismailovich. Professor Kenessariyev U.I. has a wide experience in the Rok’s medical science organization: since 1983 up to 1989 headed the science department and scientifically-technical management of KazSSR’s Ministry of Health, further on was the scientific work deputy director at the Hygiene and Occupational Diseases Scientific Research Institute. In 1995 on the basis of CSRL ASMI he had organized a «Medical ecology» problem laboratory. Nowadays he is the head of Chair of the scientific problem commission.
Scientific researches that are held under the direction of professor Kenessariev are devoted for an important environmental problem – to increase the reliability and hygienic efficiency of actions made for the environment preservation, health of the population and preventive maintenance of diseases in ecologically unsuccessful regions of Rok. A number of actual international scientific projects and programs has been realized: The central-Asian project for development of mountains (Switzerland), the project with KOVI – the Danish multi-disciplinary advisory company with the international orientation, the project flashpoints – “Environment – Health of the person” (US Aid), projects with UN representation in RoK, the international oil and gas companies «Agip», “British Gas”, «Chevron-Texaco», «LUK Oil», «Tengiz-Chevroil», with the American ecological company “Arthur D. Little”, «Hurricane Oil Products». The Department’s employees with scientific reports acted and passed training in Switzerland, England, USA, Egypt, Israel, Italy and the CIS countries, on a regular base take part in conferences, symposiums and seminars of all levels, and also in work (membership) of various constantly operating committees, councils, associations, academies of the international and republican levels.
At the department develops the direction of «Environment and health’.