In the department of «General Hygiene and Ecology» was held a festive event dedicated to the celebration of the Independence Day of Kazakhstan, on the theme «Желтоқсан шежіресі – елімнің мәртебесі!» The organizers — the tutor of 15-041 group Tokzhanova M.S., Moldakaryzova A.Z., guests of the meeting: Advisor to the Rector of KazNMU, Prof. Mustafina Z.G. and head of the department, prof. Kenesary U.I.
Participants of the event — students of 3 course of the faculty General Medicine. Students showed the audience a profound performance «Қайраттың бір күні» and performed the song «Желтоқсан желі», «Біздің елдің жігіттері», «Тәуелсіздік таңы атты», playing on the dombra » Көңіл толқыны » read the monologue. Foreign students 15-041 group told their wishes and danced. Guests of our meeting is well appreciated event, they shared their impressions and were in high spirits, tasted the treats from a festive table.