MD, Ph.D., professor Toguzbaeva Karlygash Kabdeshevna – known in the Republic of scientist-hygienist, a highly qualified specialist in the field of occupational health and medicine; experienced teacher and trainer, runs the department since its inception.
Currently Toguzbaeva KK is the head of the Department of Occupational Health KazNMU, director of the “Center for Innovation in education and research in the field of occupational health and the environment” (TSIOI, CANERIEH) for the Tempus program. He is fluent in the state and Russian languages, English-Pre-Intermediate. She has a high technological level, with the use of modern innovative technologies, scientific data, lectures on various topics of occupational health; conducted workshops with students using interactive teaching methods (work in small groups, brainstorming, case studies, business games, etc.).
Under her leadership at the department there is a constant work on the training of young teachers. In this regard, the work of annually Professor Toguzbaeva KK and the whole staff of the Department of Occupational Health in the implementation of differentiated payment system was among the worthy. In 2014, the Department of Occupational Health has received the title of “Best Department KazNMU”. Professor Toguzbaeva KK actively engaged in social work. She is a member of the dissertation council on specialty 6D110100-Meditsina.Takzhe she is a member of: the editorial board of “KazNMU Herald” scientific planning problem commission and the council of the faculty “Public Health”. Professor Toguzbaeva KK actively engaged in educational work among students. Members of the scientific student circle of the department are co-authors and co-reporters of the scientific work of the department staff.
Over the years, it has successfully conducts scientific research in the field: the etiology and pathogenesis of pneumoconiosis caused by various industrial dust; Toxicology of heavy metals; Health automobile drivers; Health and medical workers, etc. Under her leadership, carried out the scientific and technical production: the financing of the Ministry of Health and Science Republic of Kazakhstan “Scientific substantiation of a complex solution of social-hygienic and medical problems of health of the rural population of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in 2012 she won a research grant from the European Council on the program “Tempus” (2012-2015g z.). She has made more than 150 scientific papers at various national and international conferences, congresses and symposia, and published more than 300 scientific articles in national and international journals abroad (USA, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, etc.), 1 article published in the United States with high impact factor – 3,95. She is a member of the Academy of European Academy of Natural Sciences, Chairman of the Section, and a member of the organizing committee and the editorial board of Euramedisa hannover Internationaler Kongress & Fachmesse Hanover (Germany). For outstanding scientific achievements was awarded the medal. Robert Koch (2009), the Order of Honor (2011), they are. Erliha Paul (2012), the European crown (2014), Louis Pasteur and Albert Schweitzer (2015.). For special merits in the field of national education and science awarded following government awards: the Medal dedicated to “The 20th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan” (2011), and breast signs: “Excellent Health” (2011), “Honored Worker of Education” (2015 g).
It actively establishes international contacts with colleagues from near and far abroad. On her initiative as visiting professors in KazNMU invited seven prominent scientists in the field of occupational health and the environment. Memoranda were signed on scientific and educational cooperation with the universities partners near and far abroad.
Department of Occupational Health was first organized MD, Professor KK Toguzbaevа on 1st of June 1992, which is the head of the present.Currently,in the department work: Ph.D., Associate Professor LS Niyazbekova, PhD, Professor. A.ZH Zhahanov; Senior Lecturer LB Seyduanova, AK Saylybekova; MD., ET Toleu, MD., AS Meiirman, MD., A.K.Kuttibaeva, MD., AE Dzhanbatyrova; Trainee teacher: AU Kaldybaeva, M.B.Seitahmetova, A.M,Aijaryk.
At the Department students are studied in the following disciplines:
- Occupational health – 5-course preventive medicine
2. Occupational health – 5 course, public health
3. Radiation hygiene – 3-course preventive medicine
4. The foundations of pharmaceutical care – 3 course, pharmacy
5. Industrial sanitation and occupational hygiene in pharmaceutical manufacturing — 3 course, technology of pharmaceutical production
The Department staff developed and published educational and methodical literature on 2 languages (state and Russian). Thus, in 2015 was released 8 printed manuals in 2 languages
In 2014, the Department of Occupational Health has received the title of “The Excellent theoretical departments”
Staff of the department is the executor of the following research programs:
- «Scientific substantiation of a comprehensive solution of socio-hygienic and medical health problems of the rural population of the Republic of Kazakhstan,” the grant of The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- «Central Asian Network for Education, Research and Innovation Environmental Health”, an international project Tempus, the financing of the European Union.
- «One Health Center for Environmental and Occupational Research».
Employees of the Department of Occupational Health, headed by the Head of the Department KK Toguzbaeva actively participate in various international and republican scientific and educational conferences.
According to the results of research by staff published more than 700 scientific papers, including more than 200 in international journals was made more than 150 presentations at national and international scientific conferences, symposia and congresses.
The staff of the Department of Occupational Health actively establishes international scientific and educational cooperation with the following partners:
- The International School of Medicine at the International University of Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek);
- European partners – Munich (Germany), Milan (Italy), the University of Cumbria (Lankaser, UK), the University of Gothenburg (Goteborg g, Sweden), and the University of Tartu (Tartu, Estonia)
- The European Academy of Natural Sciences (Hanover, Germany)
- Nebraska University (Omaha, USA)
- University of Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
- University of Florida, Florida, USA
- Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK
- Yerevan State Medical University. M. Geraci, Yerevan, Armenia
As part of the «visiting professors» prominent scientists and specialists organized an invitation to KazNMU:
- KO Dzhusupov, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health (Graduate School of Medicine, International University of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek)
- AchutanChandran, MD, Professor of Occupational Health and the Environment (University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA)
- A.Tadevosyan, MD, Professor of Public Health (Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan)
- Claudio Kolosio, MD, professor, deputy Director of the International Center for the Study of pesticides and risk prevention (University of Milan, Milan, Italy).
- Vincent O’Brien, MD, Professor of International Health and Visual Ethnography, University Of Cumbria.