An Epidemiology Department of KNMU named after SD. Asfendiarov is a producing department of Public Health faculty. It was established on the Sanitary-Hygiene Faculty in 1946. Initiator and first head theEpidemiologyDepartmentwas Ishambai Karakulovich Karakulov, Corresponding Member of the Kazakh SSR’s Academy of Sciences and USSR’s Academy of Medical Sciences (1946-1988), the Kazakh SSR and Karakalpakstan ASSR’sHonored Scientist.
It was transformed into a course of Epidemiology at the Department of Infectious Diseases due to transfer of sanitary-hygienic faculty (1964) to Karaganda city. After re-opened of sanitary-hygienic faculty at KNMU (1995), the course was transformed into an independent Epidemiology Department under supervision, which chaired by SA.Amireev, MD, professor. Since 2014 the head of Epidemiology Department is AdilIkramovich Sattarov, MD.
There are 3 professors, 5 associate professors, 4 senior teachers and 2 teachers at the department. There are 4 MD. 4 candidate of medical sciences and 2 master degree staff.
№ п/п | Name of books | authors | Year of publication | |
1 | Жұқпалы және паразитарлық аурулардың стандарт-ты анықтамалары мен іс-шаралар алгоритмдері. Т1 | Амиреев С.А. и др | 2009 | |
2 | Жұқпалы және паразитарлық аурулардың стандарт-ты анықтамалары мен іс-шаралар алгоритмдері. Т2 | Амиреев С.А. и др | 2011 | |
3 | Эпидемиология. Т1 | Амиреев С.А. | 2012 | |
4 | Эпидемиология. Т2 | Амиреев С.А. | 2012 | |
5 | Иммунизациянапрактике | Амиреев С.А. и др | 2014 | |
6 | Эпидемиология и профилактика папилломавирусной инфекции | Амиреев С.А., Нажмеденова А.Г. | 2014 | |
7 | Әскериэпидемиология | Амиреев С.А. | 2014 | |
8 | Русско-казахскиймедицинскийсловарь | Амиреев С.А. и др | 2014 | |
9 | Венерологиябойыншадәрістер | Амиреев С.А. и др | 2014 | |
10 | Лекцииповенерологии | Амиреев С.А. и др | 2014 | |
11 | Жұқпалы аурулар оқиғаларының стандартты анықтамалары мен іс-шаралар алгоритмдері. Т1 | Амиреев С.А. и др | 2015 | |
12 | Стандартные определения случаев и алгоритмы мероприятий при инфекционных болезнях. Т1 | Амиреев С.А. и др | 2015 |
A teaching manual
№ п/п | name | authors | Year of publication | |
1 | Медициналық паразитология | Амиреев С.А., А.Жақанов, Қ.Құдайбергенұлы | 2005 | |
2 | Системный подход при изучении эпидемического и инфекционного процессов. (учебное-методическое пособие) | С.А.Амиреев, Г.У.Алшинбаева | 2005 | |
3 | Жалпы дезинфекция негіздері (оқу құралы) | Қ.Н.Нәбенов | 2006 | |
4 | Методика проведения ретроспективного эпидемиологического анализа. | С.А.Амиреев, К.Н.Алимханова | 2006 | |
5 | Жұқпалы ауруларды иммунды алдын алу. (әдістемелік-оқу құралы) | С.А.Амиреев, А.Г.Нажмеденова | 2008 | |
6 | Тропикалық жұқпалар мен инвазиялар | Л.Б.Сейдуллаева, Қ.Н.Нәбенов, А.Қ.Дүйсенова, Т.М.Сыдыманова | 2008 | |
7 | Краткие сведения о стационарно неблагополучных по сибирской язве населенных пунктах в РК. (Саравочник) | А.М.Айкимбаев, Г.А.Темиралиева, З.Б.Жумадилова. | 2009 | |
8 | Пять этапов сестринского процесса при инфекционных заболеваниях. (учебное-методическое пособие) | С.А.Амиреев, К.С.Оспанов, Л.А.Морозова, Л.Б.Сейдуллаева, А.Ж.Кусаинова. | 2009 | |
9 | Жұқпалы ауруларға қатысты терминдердің түсіндерме сөздігі | Ә.Әміреев, Қ.Құдайбергенұлы, Н.Жайықбаев, А.Жақанов. | 2010 | |
10 | Тропические болезни (учебное пособие) | Сейдулаева Л.Б., Дуйсенова А.К., Егембердиева Р.А., Набенов К.Н. | 2010 | |
11 | Элективті курс бағдарламасы АИВ-инфекциясы: клиника, диагностика, емдеу, және алдын алу. | С.А.Амиреев, Н.И.Брико, Г.М.Есенжанова. | 2010 | |
12 | ВИЧ-инфекция: клиника, диагностика, лечение, и профилактика. | Н.И.Брико, Г.М.Есенжанова. | 2010 | |
13 | Инфекции, управляемые вакцинопрофилактикой | С.А.Амиреев и др. | 2012 | |
14 | Иммундық алдын алумен реттелетін инфекциялар | С.А.Амиреев и др. | 2012 |
The teaching aids
Innovative educational -learning technologies used in the department
- Problem-based learning (PBL) (PBL)
- Case based learning (CBL)
- Team based learning (TBL)
- Interactive learning methods (ILM)
- Education based on simulation technology – mannequin
- Research Technologies – project-oriented training (for undergraduates)
- Information, communication and computer technologies -Electronic educational programs, movies, video lectures
- Integrated learning -Classes
- Objective structured practical exam
Morale building activities are holding in 5 grade students of Public Health faculty
1) Legal education; legal, methodological and information support of the educational process is reflected in Morale building’s plan of the department, which was discussed and approved by Faculty Dean;
2) Content, forms and methods of educational work are reflected in the Department plan, which effectiveness is discussed at monthly meetings of the department;
3) The effectiveness of tutors, curators and advisors activities assessed by questioning of Medical-prevention faculty dean’s office;
4) the students’ self-identity improve in various fields (education, research and community work; work of societies and hobby groups, sports clubs, amateur, discussion clubs, other areas) by tutors, curatorsandadvisorssupport;
5) TheDepartment is decorated themed stands with state symbols.
In addition, the educational work carried out by all students during learning session.
Information resources and library fund
- Thereis computer lab, equipped with educational programs in the disciplines of the department, allowing assessing the knowledge of students.Thisclassisused to perform ISWTS and SIW, and has access to the Internet and KNMU local network;
- Computerlab (10 computersare connected in a network) is used for current and mid-term control of students’ knowledge;
- Department computer database is updated and the software provided. It filed an application for the purchase of interactive whiteboards.
- Thedepartmenthasitsownlibraryfund (learningvideos – morethan 15items), hybridlibrary(over 200 presentations), library (about 50 electronictextbooksandtutorials).
- University library fund is constantly updated with their own textbooks and teaching aids (list of published textbooks and teaching aids at the department of applied).
Prepared and published by the department staff in epidemiology textbooks used in all universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and some of CIS countries (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan).
Scientific-research work
It made two scientific-technic programs:
- STPfundedbyMESofRK – “Educational and informational training of health workers and the public; to develop and test method and drugs for early assessment of immunological effectiveness of vaccination against human papillomavirus infections” (2012-2014);
- STP funded by KNMU – “Monitoring over pneumococcal infections’ incidence in children before 5 years”
SRW’s results implemented in practice:
– approved “Cancer care development program” in Kazakhstan to 2012-2016, where in p. 10, 12, it is provided the vaccination of adolescent girls and informational work among the population.
Epidemiology Department staff -SA.Amireev and AG.Nazmedenova are members of Immunization Advisory Committee of MoH RK.
- EpidemiologyDepartmentstaffworkers the department staff regularly participate in international (Turkey, Russia, Thailand, United States, Czech Republic, France, Uzbekistan) and republic (Almaty, Shimkent) scientific conferences and congresses;
- number of copyright certificates – 2, monograph – 2, scientific publications (more than 120); volume of SRW funding to one department’s staff is 28419 tg;
SRWresultswere implemented to the Department educational process.
A direction of Epidemiology Department’s research is issues of epidemiology and prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases that are relevant for the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Department staff participated in the student scientific circles’ fair in the beginning of 2015-2016 ac.year and 14 students of 3, 5 years of Public Health and General Medicine faculties are taking part in holding of SSRW.
Scientific work of 5 students 4, 5 years of Medical care and Public Health faculties elected to participate in the 2nd round of Students scientific –research university conference:
- КapanА.,АmanbekМ. “Parasitism and biological safety” – students of 504-1 group Public Health faculty. SupervisorАlekesheva LZ.
- Zhumakan A. «Желшешекоқиғасынажанұяныңпәтерлікэпидемиологиялықталдаужасау» – students of 502 group Public Health faculty. Supervisor, PhD. Alimhanova KN.
- Kasimalieva F., Bahtiarkizi N. “Experience of questioning of KazNMU students for early finding of the hepatobiliary system’s pathology” student of 401 group of the Medicalcare faculty. Supervisor, MD Iskakova FA.
- Turegeldieva M. “Retrospective analysis of viral hepatitis A incidence during 2010-2014 ac.y.” – Student of 504-2 group. Supervisor PhD. Dauletbakova AM.
- Zhumadil O. “Epidemiological situation of helmintosis in Kazakhstan” – students of 502 group Public Health faculty. Supervisor , PhD. DauletbakovaAM.
Students of 504-1 group Public Health faculty КapanА., АmanbekМ. were awarded by a diploma I degree «Көрермендеркөзайымы» for a presentation “Parasitism and biological safety”, and possibility to publish it in a collection of students and young scientists’ scientific works of 2015-2016, P.71.
Currently, research on scientific topics by students is ongoing.
Management of 5 grade Public Health faculty students’ educational and field study. It is holding according to agreements with the basic institutions of Almaty city’s AUSES.
Practice’sitem: educational and field study of hygienist-epidemiologist.
The code of specialty: 051103, hygienist-epidemiologist.
- Professional field study is holding in Almaty city two DPH (ДЗПП): Almalinsky, Medeusky. TheCDPH (ЗППP has all documents needed for the practice. There are good conditions for holding of students’ field study. Before the start of practice, students are instructed on occupational safety and work protection. .
- Professionalpracticeisholdingstronglyofworkshopaccordingtoсurriculum.
- Students‘educationalandfieldstudydocuments –work program and daybooks. They are discussing on the Department meetings after practice’s completion.
- The international cooperation
- It was drafted contracts and cooperation agreements with
- First MGMU named after Sechenov,
- Petersburg State University, (contract sent to Moscow to sign) on the academy mobility of students and the publication of textbooks and teaching aids,
- AECOM (USA) on biosafety and biosecurity training of Department staff (contract sent to the US to sign).
- DepartmentstaffontheAcademymobility goes on business trips abroad (USA, Japan, Russia, and France).
- Departmentstaffparticipatesininternational , republicanscientific-researchconferencesandcongresses;
- Thereare 2 copyright certificates, 116 publications;
- It were invited 9 visiting professors from Russia, USA: Briko NI, Polibino RV, Torchinskiy NV, Roslavtseva SA (Moscow Russia), Kovalishenа OV, Blagonravova AS ., (Russia, Nizhny Novgorod), Marco Maria Salemi (USA, Florida); Kolosovskaya EN., MD, professor (Russia, St. Petersburg), Sergei V., MD, professor (Moscow, Russia).
- Itisholdingadvancedworkwith reissueof manual “Epidemiology” in 2 vol. according to agreement with KNMU and the First MGMI named after Sechenov to official language and publication in RK.