Department of nutrition with occupational health course was created on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Health of RK on October 27, 1993 and by the decision of the Academic Council of KazNMU on November 16, 1993. Eventually, department of nutrition was founded on September 1, 1994.
Department of nutrition was established in 1994 to train students of medical, pediatric, medical-prophylactic faculty on subjects such as «health food» and «food hygiene», as well as to establish competent specialists in the field of nutrition.
Department team is actively involvedinall areas of nutrition such as fundamental and applied biomedical researches in nutrition and prevention of common forms of food insufficiency; in the development of sanitary norms and standards to ensure quality and food safety; to improve the promotion of healthy nutrition by preparing doctors and specialists in Food Hygiene and Nutrition, advice in implementation and guidance to rationalize the nutrition of different population groups.
By the decision of the Academic Council of KazNMU named after Asfendiyarov the department of «food» has been renamed (protocol № 5 from 26.01.2010) on September 1, 2010 to the department of «nutrition.»
The mission
Teach students of all faculties of the principles of healthy nutrition and basic medical supplies. Increase public education in nutrition with the future doctors and students. Together with the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition, take an active part in determining the most significant public health nutrition problems. We offer the optimal solutions with appropriate administrative structures involved in developing action plan to rationalize nutrition and prevention of alimentary-dependent diseases in Kazakhstan
The Vision
The main function of the nutrition department of nutrition is directed to the future where every graduate of KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov favors to help health by achieving a balanced diet.
To achieve this mission the Department of nutrition must comply with the following principles and orientation:
- Consolidate the students’ knowledge of methodological fundamentals of food hygiene and diet therapy for various diseases.
- Participate in decision of national nutritional problems, with a focus on vulnerable groups.
- Work with people of all convictions, races and nationalities.
- Base its activity on the recognition and realization of human rights in relation to food and nutrition.
List of members of the department of nutrition:
№ | Name | of Job |
1 | Sharmanov Toregeldy Sharmanovich | Academician RAMS and NAS RK |
2 | Aldashev Ahmet Aldashevich | Professor, MD |
3 | Kaynarbaeva Maygul Seydullaevna | Head of department, Associate Professor, MD |
4 | Khasenovа Gulistan Hasenovna | Associate Professor, MD |
5 | Chuenbekova Ardak Baybarakovna | Associate Professor, MD |
6 | Bykybaeva Salima Ahmetrizaevna | Associate Professor, MD |
7 | Kozhakhmetova Aigul Nagashbekovna | Senior Lecturer |
8 | Ushanskaya Elena Yurevna | Associate Professor, MD |
9 | Berdygaliev Aydar Bolatovich | Associate Professor, MD |
10 | Sukenova Dinara Asykbaevna | Teacher |
11 | Tarakova Gauhar Anuarovna | Teacher |
12 | Bakirova Makpal Ayatkulovna | Teacher |
13 | Nurzhanova Kuanysh Sabyrzhanovna | Teacher |
14 | Alliyarova Svetlana Tilepbergenovna | Teacher |
15 | Batagoeva Zamira Zhamalbekovna | Trainee-teacher |
16 | Karagizova Assima Baltabekovna | Teacher |
17 | Serzhanova Gulzira Nazarovna | Senior laboratory assistant |
18 | Yergeshbayevа Raushan Bogdanovna | Assistant |
19 | Kurmanova Salima Abildinovna | Assistant |
The staff department of nutrition
History of the Department
Department of nutrition was created on September 1, 1994 pursuant to the Order MH RK № 446 of October 27, 1993, by the decision of the Academic Council of KazNMU on November 16, 1993. By the decision of the Academic Council Chair of KazNMU named after Asfendiyarov «nutrition» was renamed (protocol №5 from 26.01.2010) on September 1, 2010 to the department of «nutriciology».
The organizer of the Department opening is a world famous scientist — academician of RAMS, NAS RK, president of the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition — T.Sh. Sharmanov. The department of nutritiology of Kazakh National Medical University, organized the first medical universities in the history of the former Soviet Union and the CIS. The initiator of the need for nutrition departments in all medical universities of the Republic, with the aim of teaching the principles of nutriciology, hygiene of nutrition, dietetics and modern problems of breastfeeding in future general practitioners was academician T.Sh. Sharmanov.
In 1994, from the date of the department opening the first organizer of the educational process was an assistant professor MD, M.A Akhmetov.
From 1995 to1999 the first professor of department was ZK Konakbaeva. During this period, prof. Saulebekova M.S. and Ph.D., Assoc. Mendygalieva K.M. worked at the department. Lee M. was the first assistant who taught the course of food hygiene and child nutrition course was taught by Imakova H.W. From 2005 to 2013, the head teacher of the department worked Ph.D., Associate Professor Buzhikeeva A.B.
Profiling discipline «Food Hygiene» for students of health-careis taught in department. In accordance with SMSE 3.08.388 RC-2006 at the department of nutrition students are trained in specialties: 051102 — «Public Health», 051,301 — «General Medicine», 051 101 — «Nursing» ID. From 2010 on the subject of «Nutrition» in the department has started preparing residents for the following specialties: oncology, urology, obstetrics-gynecology, psychiatry, allergy and clinical immunology, kardiоrheumatology, surgery, pediatrics, phthisiology, dermatovenereology. The main discipline course of department is a part of the health-care department.
Since then students in the department were trained in the Kazakh and Russian languages, with the first days of the acquisition was carried out by the Department the competitive selection of scientific experts who know perfectly how to teach in Kazakh and Russian languages, and this task is successfully coping productive work: on MN, a professor Aldashev AA, Associate Professors Kaynarbaeva M.S., Bykybaeva S.A., Khasenova G.H., Chuenbekova A.B., Ushanskaya E.Y., Berdygaliev A.B., Senior Lecturer Kozhahmetova A.N., teachers: Nurzhanova K.S., The department also successfully combines teaching with master degree Sukenova D.A., G.A.Tarakova and Bakirova M.A. Potential of the Department refilled worthy successors: Batagoeva Z.Zh., Karagizova A.B., Serzhanova G.N. Yergeshbayevа R.B.
Following the general long-term objectives for science and improve the quality of medical education, KazNMU named after Asfendiyarov and the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition in 2010 formed the Innovation and Education Consortium, in which the parties have joined the intellectual, human, logistical and other resources and pledged to work together to improve the quality of medical education through the integration of education, science and practice.
Educational base is at the Department of the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition, headed by academician T.Sh. Sharmanov. The department is equipped with modern computer equipment and training necessary technical means (TCO), teaching aids sufficient for the effective conduct of the educational process.
Toregeldy S. Sharmanov
M.D., Ph.D., Professor
Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, The President of Kazakh Academy of Nutrition, The President of the Academy of Preventive Medicine, WHO consultant, Laureate of State Honor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Science Fellow of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Laureate of Independent Honor “Platinum Tarlan”. Honourable Head of Department of Nutritiologi.
Toregeldy Sharmanov was born on October 19, 1930 in village of Ulytau of Karaganda Province (nowadays Djeskazgan Province). After graduating from the Karaganda State Medical University in 1955 and postgraduate studies in 1958, he worked as the chief doctor of the Central District Hospital of Ulytausky district of Karaganda Province. He headed the Department of Nutritional Hygiene in 1962-1968 at the National Research Institute (RI) of Province Pathology under Kazakhstan Ministry of Health. From 1968 to 1971 – the Rector of the Aktubinsk Medical University and the Chair of the Department of Pharmacology.
From 1971 to 1982 – the Minister of Healthcare of Kazakhstan.
From 1973 to 1984, Toregeldy Sharmanov at the same time was the director of Kazakh Branch of the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, created under his initiative.
Since 1988 he was the Director of the Institute of Regional Problems and now he is the Director of the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition. The Academy is the center for complex surveys in the sphere of hygiene, biochemistry, immunology, physiology of nutrition, as well as dietary prevention and dietary therapy in the Republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
He is the head of international research projects on elimination of iron-deficiency anemia, iodine deficiency, breast-feeding support, medical demographic studies, and the national policy of nutrition, executed through technical and financial support of UNICEF, WHO, UNDP, USAID, “Macro International, Inc.”, “Wellstart”, and others.
He was the chief editor of journal “The Issues of Nutrition” (1985-1988) and was the chair of the Nutrition Department at the Continuous Education Courses of Qualifications of Medical Doctors Institute in Moscow and since May 1995 he has been the President of the Academy of Preventive Medicine of Kazakhstan. Since 1979 he was the chief editor of journal “Health and Diseases”.
The unique Center of Child Nutrition that has no analogues on the CIS territory was established under his initiative; new products of child nutrition and some medical-preventive food products were introduced in the healthcare practice.
Under the initiative of Sharmanov, and due to his efforts in 1979 the Institute of Nutrition became the first Collaborating Center on Nutrition in the world. Today, it cooperates with the WHO, and since 1997– with the UN University.
Under his supervision more than 40 theses for doctor’s degree and 135 theses for candidate’s degree in medicine were defended. Toregeldy Sharmanov is the author of more than 460 publications, 38 monographs, and 40 inventions. Three times he was elected to the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2001 Sharmanov became the laureate of the State Honor of Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of science and technology for a line of works of several authors: “Development of Fundamental Applied Aspects of Nutrition Science in the Republic” (for the period from 1974 to 2000). Since 2001 he is the Honored Fellow of Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2003 he became the laureate of the nationally acclaimed honor “Tarlan” of highest degree – platinum – for his contribution to science.
His son Almaz Sharman, M.D., Ph. D, professor at the John Hopkins University (USA) and his daughter-in-law – Dana Sharman, M.D., M.P.H. – is a doctor-gynecologist. Toregeldy Sharmanov is a grandfather of three grandchildren: Alua graduated from the University of Maryland (USA), married, living in the United States, Torehan – 21 years old, and Askar – 19 years old.
The list of SW
Executed by the Department of Nutritiology together with the international
№ | Name of the subject | Financing source | № contracts |
1 | Investigation on estimation of nutrition and health status of population in Kazakhstan. | Ministry of Public Health
| №135 from February 20 2007 y. |
2 | To develop the theoretical base of well-directed alimentary regulations of system, organ and cellular universal adaptive mechanisms for the purpose of increasing of stability of human body to actions of environment extreme factors | “National Center for Biotechnology” under the Science Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
| №4.1.3/244 from 13.03.2007 y. |
3 | Creation of natural treatment-and-prophylactic soft drink using new association of microorganisms on base of plant herbal raw materials. | Ministry of Science and Education of Republic of Kazakhstan | №20 from 02.03.2007 y. |
4 | The study and application of systems of analysis on preventive nutrition and vitamin preparations to workers of production in hazardous conditions, in terms of preserving the health and effectiveness of remedial mechanisms of adaptation to the mode and working conditions « | Ministry of Labour President of Kazakh academy of nurtrititon RSE
| Contract №55 от 27 January 2008 y. |
5 | «Development of scientifically based norms of consumption of main types of the food products, conforming to the international standards» for 2009-2011 | Science Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan | №169 from19 February 2010 y |
6 | «The patterns of functioning of biological systems is the basis for the creation a innovative technologies for medicine, agriculture and the environment» Theoretically justify and develop new ways of nutritional support of a etiopathogenic prevention and treatment of socially significant diseases of the person « | Science Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan | № 4.2.1/35-1211 from «16» February 2010 years |
7 | Development of methods of analysis and perfection of control system of modern pesticides’ pollution contents in food-stuff and environment in Kazakhstan. | Ministry of Public Health | № 4.2.1/34-1209 from 16 February 2010 y. |
8 | «Scientific substantiation of long-term national policy of healthy nutrition of Kazakhstan (2009-2011)» | Ministry of Public Health | |
9 | «The patterns of functioning of biological systems is the basis for the creation a innovative technologies for medicine, agriculture and the environment» Theoretically justify and develop new ways of nutritional support of a etiopathogenic prevention and treatment of socially significant diseases of the person « | Ministry of Public Health | № 4.2.1/35-1211
10 | «Development of scientifically based norms of consumption of main types of the food products, conforming to the international standards. Development of scientifically based norms of consumption of main types of food for various gender and age, professional and social groups of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of specification of physiological needs of a human body for energy and the main feedstuffs» | Ministry of Public Health | |
11 | «Development of model (program) for anti-aging in ensuring active longevity of elderly people of Kazakhstan». Development of the comprehensive program of prevention of osteoporosis in RK» | Ministry of Public Health | |
12 | «Complex prevention of obesity and epidemic of excess body weight in Kazakhstan» | Ministry of Public Health | №493, from 28 February 2013y |
13 | «Studying the contents a trance isomers of fatty acids in domestic and import oil and fat products, confectionery and definition of their risk on health». | Source of KAZNMU (Intra Higher Education Institution) | №7004 from 30.12.2013y, order № 843 from 28.02.2014y |
14 | «Scientific bases of creation functional geroprotective products by using nonconventional raw materials for improvement of quality of life» | With the order of Science Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan grants № 4680.
| 0113RK00205 №282 from 04 02 2014y |
15 | «Development based on mare’s milk and goat’s new specialized products for Nutritional support of basic methods of treatment of patients with tuberculosis and cancer pathology» | With the order of Science Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
| 055 №0112RK02959 №282 from 04 02 2014y |
16 | “Advanced monitoring of domestic and imported food products for the maintenance of fatty acid trans-isomers and estimation of their influence on the prevalence of non-communicable diseases in Kazakhstan” | Source of KAZNMU (Intra Higher Education Institution) | № 42 i from 12.01.16y
Since 2007, Professor and in 2012 the head of Department of Nutrition is Honored medicine, MD, Professor Aldashev Ahmet Aldashevich
Aldashev Ahmet Aldashevich, Doctor of Medicine, professor, laureate of the state premium of The RK, academician of Academy of preventive medicine. In 1960 graduated from Karaganda medical institute. Till 1962 — practical doctor, in 1962-66 — teacher on the faculty of pathological physiology in Karaganda medical institute. He obtained candidate’s degree in 1966. In 1967-1975- Deputy Director of Scientific Institute of regional pathology, Head doctor of Republican clinical hospital.
The doctor’s dissertation was written in 1973.
Since 1975 — Deputy Director of the Kazakh branch of Institute of nutrition AMS USSR managing laboratory of vitaminology. In 1980-82 worked as a directors of this establishment.
In 1982-2001 — rector of Almaty institute of qualification improvement of the doctors.
Scientific activity of prof. Aldashev A.A. is devoted to the following scientific problems.
Hygienic characteristic of an actual nutrition of various age and professional groups of population and development of recommendations on its rationalization.
Study of influence of various extreme conditions of nature (desert, etc.) on human organism, development of offers on acceleration of adaptation to them.
Study of influence on human organism of various chemically and physically harmful factors of manufacture and research of nutritional ways of their correction.
Under supervision of prof. Aldashev A.A. 25 doctor’s and candidate dissertations are defended. Prof. Aldashev A.A is the author of 220 scientific publications, including 7 monographs, 5 popular scientific books, 4 books of literary genres in the Kazakh language.
Kaynarbaeva Maygul Seydullaevna Head of Department of Nutrition
Kaynarbaeva Maigul Seydullaevna graduated in 1996 from the Kazakh State Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarova specialty «Hygiene, Epidemiology» and was qualified as «hygienist- epidemiologist.»
In 2008-2010, in the KazNMU received a second degree in «Health Management» with the qualification «Bachelor of Health Management.»
Research and teaching activities at the Department of Food started in 1996 in the position of trainee-teacher (1996-1998), later continued as a teacher (2000-2005), senior lecturer and director of studies department (2005-2011). In 2010 she defended her thesis on «Hygienic evaluation of the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency among children under 5 years in ecologically unfavorable regions of RK». Since 2011 is an assistant professor.
On September 1, 2014 appointed head of the Department of Nutrition.
During this period Kaynarbaeva M.S. took an active part in the implementation of international and national research on the study of nutrition and the prevention of nutrition-related diseases.Also she is actively involved in social work in KazNMU.
- Scientific Secretary sanitary of Hygiene faculty- 2003-2005;
- Head of capacity development at KazNMU — 2008
- Deputy Director of the Department of Human Resource Development — 2009
- Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council KazNMU — 2009- 2010
- The Executive Director of the «Center of healthy nutrition» with the PA «Academy of Preventive Medicine» -2011 year
- The Executive Director of the NCHN «National Center of healthy nutrition » -2012 year.
Kaynarbaeva MS to enhance their expertise took courses on «Basics of Leadership» (2008), «Service personnel management in a crisis. New challenges and technology work «(2008),» Food Safety and WTO Accession «(2012), etc.
Kaynarbaeva MS is the author / co-author of many educational, manuals and scientific publications.