On April 8, 2016, at 18.00 inKazNMUnamed by S.D. Asfendiyarov, on the basis of a hostel №7 Department of socio-cultural development competence of students, faculty of foreign students, tutors and module Medical law and basics of legislation in health care was conducted open lecture on theme“Administrative Offense”. The theme of the event was not chosen by chance, as a faculty of foreign students, particularly to the Indians, it was a lot of criticism from both the administrative part of the hostel, and on the part of third parties (teachers of departments). The organizing committee decided to engage to the event law enforcement workers. At this meeting came the workers ofMedeu district Departament of Internal Affairs of Almaty city: Senior Police Lieutenant Kasymakyn Almas Akhmetovich and police lieutenants KazbekovAdilet and OrazaliyevSerikZhumagalievich.
The event opened with a foreword by the director of the department of social – cultural development competence of students Shyngysbaev L.S., which outlined the aims and objectives of the lecture activities, necessity to increase the legal awareness and legal culture of foreign students.
Then, the event moderator gave the word to the Dean Assistant of the Faculty of Foreign Students Dad Mohammad, who spoke about the need to respect and fulfillment of the laws of the host country.
Further, with the report acted a senior police lieutenant, police officers Kasimakin Almas Akhmetovich and police lieutenants KazbekovAdilet and OrazaliyevZhumagalievich that led the statistics of administrative offenses by region and totally in Almaty city. Students eagerly asked questions about compliance with the migration policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and India.The next presentation was made by the teacher of module of Medical law and basics of legislation in health care Ilyasov N.E. on theme“administrative offense”. In this presentation, the teacher, in the form of presentation revealed the concept, structure and features of administrative offense.
At the end of event, teacher of module of Medical law and basics of legislation in health care Baytekova K.J., gave a report on “Forms of liability for administrative offenses”, revealed the concept and content of the articles of the Republic of Kazakhstan Code on Administrative Offences.
On the outcome of the event the senior tutor, teacher module Medical law and basics of legislation in health care Otarbayeva A.B. spoke about the importance of the event and its prophylactic purpose for students.
Foreign students (Indians) thanked the organizing committee in the face of the senior tutor, teacher module of Medical law and basics of legislation in health care Otarbayeva A.B. for the excellent organization of the event and a group of students of the Russian branch of GM 15-037-1,2AukenovaRaiymbek and ZhartaulSaltanat and student of Kazakh branch of GM 15-016-1,2 Kazakh branch ToleubekZhasulan for interpretation.
Sincerely, organizers of the event:
- The Department of the socio-cultural development competence of students;
- Faculty of foreign students;
- Tutors of foreign students Faculty;
- Teachers of module of Medical law and basics of legislation in health care