Department “Management and marketing in health care and pharmacy with the basics ” was established in KazNMU im.S.D. Asfendiyarov order № 23 from 28.08.2007, the license According to Republic of Kazakhstan Series № 14018794 dated 12.12.2014. Government standard education and Republic of Kazakhstan 1.4.002-2012 is preparing and issuing the following specialties:
- 5В050700 – Management (Bachelor management)
- on the basis of secondary education (full-time education) – 4 years
- on the basis of higher education (distance learning) – 2 years.
- on the base of higher education (by очноес application of the controlled from distance technologies of educating) – 2 years.
Graduate of Bachelor in specialty 5В050700 – Management is assigned an academic degree – Bachelor of Management.
Areas of professional activity of graduates in this specialty (Bachelor of Management) are the real sector of the economy, health and pharmaceutical, financial, banking, business and entrepreneurship.
The functions of the professional activities are:
– Planning guidelines for the development of production and management;
– The formation of the structure of the production facility and management structure, the optimal construction of production facilities;
– Motivation, activation of their labor;
– Coordinating and supervising all aspects of activity management.
In 2009 the first issue was produced by undergraduates majoring 6N1101 – Medicine (Public Health. Health care management). In September 2009 the specialty 6N1101 – Medical transferred to the newly created
Department of “Health Policy and Management,” a section of the “Law” that was in the structure of the department “philosophy, political science, sociology, and the foundations of law” has been transferred to the department “Management and Marketing in health care and pharmacy”.
Since the day Department of Education made the following graduates:
2007-2008 academic. , the – 127,
2008-2009 was – 91 people, incl. 14 undergraduates
2009-2010 academic – 169 persons
2010-2011 academic – 153 persons
2011-2012 academic – 313 persons
2012-2013 academic – 55 persons
2013-2014 academic – 16 persons
2014-2015 academic – 108 persons
The department is about thirty subjects (Base of marketing and management, Theory and Practice of Management, Financial Management, Production Management, Marketing, social regulation, Administrative Law, Business Law, Business Organization, Human Resource Management, etc.). Department developed EMCD, programs and guidelines for the implementation of projects and dissertations, the passage of the training, production practices. Printed textbook for the course “Financial Management” in the Kazakh language (10 pp). «Administrative process and management on sisterly business» on the Kazakh and Russian languages (19 pp).
Teachers leadership by the department of educational and work experience of graduates and diploma works.
The head of the department “Management and marketing in health care and pharmacy with the basics right,” Ph.D. Maukenova Altynay Amanbaevna, Director of Studies department Avgambaeva Nagima Nurseitovna. Teaching staff of the department “Management and marketing in health care and pharmacy with the basics ” consists of 10 teachers, including 2 pluralist from leading Institutions of higher learning of Almaty, from them: Ph.D., PhD, Associate Professor – 1, senior teachers – 1, teachers – 2. Ostepenennyh staff of the department is 55%. In the official language lessons are 8 teachers (72,3%), including 4 teachers have a degree. The average age is 48 years of PPS.
Head of the department “Management and marketing in health care and pharmacy” – Ph.D. Maukenova Altynay Amanbaevna
Methodical work of employees
Currently, the department is active rabotapousileniyu :
– Teaching development
– Production of manuals on legal subjects in the national language .
Department of ” Management and marketing in health care and pharmacy ” provides teachers leaving the program of academic mobility (PhD, Sadvakasova AB in September 2014 traveled for 2 weeks in g. Tsyurih , Switzerland, in the business shkolu SBS ) .
From 11 to 13 September 2014 were conducted lectures with foreign specialists of visiting professors Kanushinoy Marina A. (Czech Republic, Prague Charles University, InstituteofInternationalEducation) on the course: “Management and Marketing in the health system ” According completion of the hearing of the course were awarded certificates to students .
The Department conducts and guest lectures : September 27, 2014 in the framework of the program of guest lectures and meetings with famous people was held a lecture expert from Kyrgyzstan ( Bishkek) , director of audit company ” IDIS -AUDIT CONSULTING ” G. Atanova the course ” Doing business “on the topic : ” The role of audit in the organization and development of the business. “
Scientific activity
The department carries out innitsiativnaya scientific work on the theme ” Modern management in the context of globalization in the Republic of Kazakhstan .” Staff of the department annually participates in the national and international scientific conferences held by universities in Kazakhstan.
Since the beginning of 2014-2015 Account. in conjunction with the students published scientific articles : Features management zdravoohraneniiBapakova A.A.stud Single 2kursa , Ph.D. , associate professor Dzhampeisova KK, Ph.D., associate professor MaukenovaA.A .; Implementation of Risk Management in medical organizations – an essential aspect of quality of care; Abdukarimova GB . , PhD . , Associate Professor Hadjieva AB, AA Maukenova .; Organization of personnel work in the medical organizatsiiZhumadіl OS, TuregeldievaM.B . , PhD . , Associate Professor Nurpeisov L.S.KazNMU them . Asfendiyarov YSD .; Development of marketing kazahstaneKunzhan N.U.3 course specials. Management KazNMU them . Asfendiyarov S.D.Bayzahanov AA Associate Professor LG Sataeva .; Problems of development of Kazakhstan’s health at the present etapeMadanovaM.Zh.studentka 2 course specials. Management KazNMU them . S.D.Asfendiyarovak.e.n . , Associate Professor Hadjieva , Art. teacher Avgambaeva NN .; Strategic management organization of family medicine in a PMSPNamazbaeva JE , spec. Management KazNMU them . S.D.AsfendiyarovaAvgambaeva NN, Alshembaeva LT ; Weaknesses in Kazakhstan -NauryzbaevaAsel Medicine , Art – ka2kursa , special -ty “Management” KazNMU them . Asfendiyarov Ph.D., associate professor Dzhampeisova KK, Ph.D., associate professor Nurpeisov LS .; The quality management system in the test laboratoriiOrdabay MJ , 1st year student KazNMU name S.A.Asfendiyarovak.e.n . , Associate Professor Nurpeisov LS, Ph.D., associate professor Dzhampeisova KK .; Modern problems of health development in the Republic of KazahstanOrshubekova AA, student 2 course specials. MenedzhmentKazNMU them . S.D.Asfendiyarovak.e.n . , Associate Professor Dzhampeisova KK, Ph.D., associate professor Nurpeisov LS .; State regulation of zdravoohraneniyaOrshubekova AA, student 2 course specials. MenedzhmentKazNMU them . S.D.Asfendiyarovak.e.n . , Associate Professor Dzhampeisova KK, Ph.D., associate professor of management Nurpeisov L.S.Stili organizatsiiOrysbaeva AS , a student 1kursa KazNMU name S.A.Asfendiyarovak.e .N , associate professor Maukenova AA, Art. teacher Avgambaeva NN .; Medical management: characteristics and development Ten NA , Ph.D. , associate professor Hadjieva AB, AA Maukenova KazNMU them . Asfendiyarov S.D.Marketingovaya activities in the health sector . Improvement of leasing activity in zdravoohraneniiTuregeldieva MB, Zhұmadіl OS, PhD . , Associate Professor Hadjieva A.B.KazNMU them . Asfendiyarov SD.
Under the guidance of teachers of the department students 5V050700 specialty – “Management” successfully participate in student conferences .
Since the creation of the Department of PPS systematically improve qualification , which is confirmed by certificates.
In the period from 22 October 2014 to 4th November 2014 to conduct a training program on ” Economics and management of social institutions ( health and education ” will be held lectures and workshops of the candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the Russian State Vocational pedagogical University Chuchkalova E.I.
Student Scientific Circle
The research work of students ( NIRS ) is an important aspect of the formation of a future scientist and specialist qualifications. In this regard , the department ” Management and marketing in health care and pharmacy” KazNMU them . SD Asfendiyarov valid scientific student circle “Manager 2015” in which students have the opportunity not only to acquire knowledge and high professional qualifications , but also to develop their intellectual abilities and leadership qualities . Scientific student group allows the student to begin full scientific work , to find like-minded people on it , which you can consult and share the fruits of their research.
In the 2013-2014 academic year have been carried out the following activities:
- For student participation in the annual Republican competition NIRS drafted and approved the list of the NIRS , which were distributed among the students – members of the group . A detailed advice on writing research work . In general , by the staff of the department were given recommendations to plan and stage major events subsequent work on the topic . In January 2014 held the first ( Cathedral ) tour of the Republican contest NIRS University and February – 2nd (university ) tour .
- The head of the NSC Nurpeisov LS held a presentation and brought to the student members of the group information , that as not worked in this circle. As part of the presentation, the students learned that these materials provide them with an opportunity how to write an article .
- As part of the program of the visit of professors KazNMU them . SD Asfendiyarov in October 2013 students , members of the group attended a public lecture professoraAlmaza Tolumbekana topic: ” Marketing and management in the health system .”
- In December 2013 held a discussion meeting of members of the NSC , dedicated to the World AIDS Day . Members of the NSC Soltanova M and A Gayratzhan prepared a report on the subject.
- In December 2014 , members of the circle NSC held a seminar – debate on the topic: “The Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev ” Strategy “Kazakhstan -2050 ” : a new policy established state “. The event was attended by staff of the department . In their speeches, all the speakers emphasized the importance of the message of the President , the achievements in socio-political , socio-economic , cultural and humanitarian development of Kazakhstan , focused on interfaith and interethnic stability .
Educational and social work
Faculty and student staff of the department are actively involved in social and cultural- mass work, participate in the annual event ” Posvyashenie in university students ” and others . PPP department conduct training courses in “Management” for teachers . The Department conducts professional orientation work among graduates of city schools .
October 9, 2014 from 11.00 to 14.00 at the Faculty of Public Health lecturer in ” Management and marketing in health care and pharmacy” as part of the educational work plan dean held a round table on the topic : ” The main problems of public health of the Republic of Kazakhstan .”
During the round table were presented and discussed reports of 2nd year students of the Faculty of Public Health on the themes: Report on the theme : “Problems of health financing ” Ongarova D., Zhumanbaeva D., “Improving the quality of medical care ” Abduganiuly R. Mukatov T ” . , The problem of drug supply patients with socially significant diseases ” – Kapanova A. ” Problems of the introduction of new medical technologies in medicine ” -Kalieva J. , a report on : Tuberculosis – Nietova Z., a report on the topic of HIV infection and AIDS – Jamalova G.
There was a discussion of basic submission: Students prepared a poster №1 on ” Tuberculosis” Hayrosheva J. , №2 poster on the topic of AIDS Kobzhasarova A.
In the preparation and conduct of the round table took an active part the following teachers : Sataeva LG, Nurpeisov LS, Avgambaeva NN, Dzhampeisova GK, Tulebayev JC, Maukenova AA et al.
During the round table was presented to the students sketch ” social unit “, dealing with the problems of drug abuse in Kazakhstan society . During the round table was held active discussion papers by students together with teachers of the department .
They discussed the main issues public health problem in Kazakhstan , as well as problems of the disabled , children, orphans.