The department was organized on the 1st of April of the year 1935 (order by the Kazakh medical Institute from the 19th of January, 1935, № 8 § 9). It was known as the department of social hygiene for the first years of establishment. In 40-50s, it was called as the department of organization of public health and the history of medicine. In 1966, it was renamed to the department of social hygiene and organization of public health with the course of the history of medicine. In 1993-1998, it was called as the department of social medicine and the management of public health with the course of the hictory of medicine. From 1999 till now, it is called as the department of public health. In 1999-2003, the course of medical information science was added to the department. The changes of the names of the department and its reorganization met objectives, which were set on the certain historical periods of the development of the country.
Organizational stage and formation of the department realated with the activities of specialists directed to Kazakhstan to work by People’s Committee of Public Health RSFSR(Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic). Here, we can name the first heads of the department: Manzon S.A. – graduate of the Prague medical institute, led the department from 1935 to 1936; Popov N.I. – graduated from the faculty of I Moscow state university and was the head of the docent courses of social hygiene in 1936-1938. They successfully carried out the tasks of theoretical and practical development of principles of socialist public health, and studied issues of cost accounting in hospitals, principles of area construction, medical and sanitary service for workers and toilers of village.
In the years of the WWII, all the attention of the department was focused on issues of health service provision to the front and deployment of base hospitals, medical and social service for population, including evacuees. In 1941-1943, the department was headed by Alfimov I.V. – graduate of medical faculty of Ural state university. From 1943 to 1949, Chesnokov S.A. was the head of the department, and also at that time he was the minister of health of Kazakh SSR. At that period, in the department was teaching experienced specialists and pedagogues such as Senkov N. O. (subsequently, 1963-1971 – the minister of Health of Kazakh SSR), Mirovaleva Z.G. (later, response worker at the Ministry of Health of Kazakh SSR).
Form 1949 till 1951, the department was leaded by Shkradyuk G.F., from 1951 to 1959, the head of the department became the candidate of medical sciences and docent, Polyanskiy A.N. At that period, 7 instructors were working in the department, from which Palkin B.N. and Chokin A.R. defended their theses about issues of the history of medicine.
Further years of scientific and practical interests of the department responded to the ideology of socialist construction, among which the most large-scale were actions toward the general clinical examination of population.
In 1959, Samarin R.I., graduate of the Kazakh Medical Institute and in 1960-1963 – the rector of the Alma-Ata state medical institute, became the head of the department. By the management of, doctor of medical sciences and docent Samarin R.I., there were defended 3 doctorals
(Chernobrov P.N., Gonopolskiy M.H., Chokin A.R.) and 28 candidate theses. In this years, Ismailov Sh.M., Slazhneva T.I., Makatova V.A, Sayatova A.S.were graduated from full-time graduate school at the department and defended their theses, after part-time graduate school became the candidates of medical sciences Petrov P.P., Kostenko G.R., aspirants: assistant Ilyin I.V., workers of the Ministry of Health KazSSR Ivanova N.I., Kozyreva R.V., workers of practical public health Inderbiyev M.G., Dushmanov S.H., Nevel N.N., and others. In 1969, from the structure of the department was picked out independent department of the history of medicine, which were headed by Chokin A.R., doctor of medical sciences (1967), professor (1968). In the head with professor Chokin A.R., 2 doctorals(Dushmanov S.H., Sviridova L.E.) and 9 candidate theses( Shabdarbayeva M.S., Efremova L.S., Zhakupova M.A., Abylkasymov E.A., Anambayev I.A., and others) were defended. In 1987, after the retirement of professor Samarin R.I., two departments were re-united again to one, the head of which became professor Chokin A.R.
From 1993, the department was headed by the doctor of medical sciences, professor Kamaliyev M.A. Kamaliyev Maksut Adilhanovich graduated with the excellence from medical faculty of the Semipalatinsk state medical institute in 1982. After graduation from institute, he was left as an assistant of the department of social hygiene and organization of public health. From 1985 till 1989, he studied at the graduate school of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of social hygiene, economics, and management of public health named by Semashko N.A. and All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of medical and technical information. In 1989, he defended candidate thesis about « Organizational aspects of integrated prevention of major chronic infectious diseases among residents of the territorial therapeutic areas». After returning from Moscow, he consistently held the positions of an assistant, senior instructor, head of the department of social hygiene and organization of public health at Semipalatinsk state medical institute. In 1993, he became the head of the department of social hygiene and organization of public health of KazNMU, at the same time he was appointed as a main free-lance specialist of the Ministry of Health of KazSSR in social hygiene and organization of public health. In 1994, he defended doctoral thesis about «Social reform guidelines of public health of Kazakhstan». Academic title of the professor was assigned to him in 1996. Starting from 2003, he has the qualifications of the doctor social-hygienist and organizer of public health of the highest category. He is highly qualified specialist in the field of public health. He took part in compilation of many legislative, directive, and normative documents. He is the author of model educational programs in many disciplines.
M.A. Kamaliyev is deservedly considered to be one of the founders of medical sociology of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the head with him, there were defended 13 candidate theses (Musagaliyev T.K., Rakhishev E.K., Ayazbayeva A.G., Pruglo G.U., Hismetova Z.A., Shahiyeva A.M., Antonova L.P., Mustapayeva R.T., Aytmanbetova A.A., Buzdayeva S.S., Shyukanova B.A., Abenova A.T., Kozhekenova Zh.A.) and thesis of master student of international public health in Berlin university (Deryabina A.P.), and he continues the preparation of the scientific and teaching staff. He published more than 350 scientific, methodoligical, and educational work in domestic and foreign presses. He won many scientific grants of the European Community, the British Council, the program of the development of the UN, the foundation «Soros-Kazakhstan», the Ministry of Health of the RK, the Ministry of Science and Technologies of the RK, and the others. In many scientific and educational projects, he carried out the functions of the coordinator from Kazakhstan. He represented KazNMU abroad many times. From 1995 till 2000, he combined scientific and educational activities with the public, being the dean of the department of international students. He was the member of the dissertation and approbation board, before in the high scool of public health, then in KazNMU. He is the member of classific committee assigning qualification categories in the field of «social hygiene and organization of public health», science editor of the section «Medicine» of the National encyclopedia of Kazakhstan, member of the editorial board of magazine «Central Asian scientific and practical magazine in public health», member of the advisory council of the Charity foundation Soros-Kazakhstan, vice-president of the Association of public health of the RK. From 2010, he is the director of the educational department of base medical disciplines, and from 2011, he is the director of the educational department of public health. He was awarded with a badge «Оutstanding specialist of public health of the Republic of Kazakhstan» (2001) for special merits in protecting the health of population of the RK, silver medal for «Contribution to the development of medical education of the RK» (2006), and also 6 honorary letters from KazNMU.
Nowadays, the department of public health is the main unit of the university, which conducts educational, pedagogical, methodological, scientific and research activities directed to the preparation of the doctor-specialists, who possess theoretical knowledge and practical skills in different sections of public health and the history of medicine.
Education of the students is carried out at the high methodogical level and based on educational model program disciplines, compiled by staff of the department, by which all medical higher educational institutions follow. Educational and pedagogical process is provided by published books, eductional and methodological handbooks, and compilation of lectures. During the existence of the department, many monographs and scientific works were published by its staff. Set of educational and methodological disciplines such as «Public health», «Social medicine», «History of medicine» for specialties «General medicine», «Public health», «Stomatological faculty», «Medico-prophylactic faculty», «Nursing» and elective disciplines were made and approved. Department staff have been actively involved in teaching and methodical support of undergraduate and graduate programs in public health.
Scientific research works on public procurement contracts were performed with the Ministry of Health «Rules of rendering of paid medical services in health organizations, medical science and education» (2004), «Determination of long-term needs of the healthcare industry in the frame» (2005), «Development and implementation of target indicators of performance of authorities and organizations of public health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, directed to recieve the final results, implementation of monitoring and evaluation of realization components of the State program of reforming and development of public health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the years 2005-2010» (2008), «Investigation of the volume of informal payments in the healtcare» (2009), «Monitoring and evaluation of public and private partnerships in the field of public health» (2010), and others.
As part of the working groups of the RK Ministry of Health with the participation of leading scientific and research centers developed the guidelines for primary and secondary prevention of major chronic noninfectious diseases, medical and sociological research, dynamic monitoring and improvement of the health of school students and village population, and it was approved by the Ministry of Health and marked with the appreciation by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan «For active implementation of new technology and prevention of diseases» (2004).
International programs on actual health issues were realized within the projects of the European Community, the Know-how Fund, the British Council, the Foundation «Soros-Kazakhstan», and others, among which «Barriers to access to public health care» (1999-2001), «Official and unofficial payment of patients in healthcare organizations» (2000-2002), «Development of public health management training programs» (1999-2002), «Development of educational programs about economics of public health» (1999-2002), «Medical and social aspects of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections among men, who have sex with them» (2002-2004), «Provision of primary set of services for HIV prevention to vulnerable groups in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan» (2007-2009), «Respect for LGBT rights in Kazakhstan» (2008-2009), «Law and Health» (2008-2010), and others. Workers of the department spoke their reports and passed internships in the UK, the Netherlands, the US, Turkey, Israel, and the CIS.
Extensive work was carried out by employees of the department on the creation of the Museum of KazNMU, reflecting its start, stages of development and its activities. The museum was solemnly opened on the 70th anniversary of the University. Since 2011 in the base of Department three trainee-teacher.
The department provides a practical and methodical assistance to agencies and health organizations. In 2009, there were carried out 56 cycles of «Implementation of the Unified National System of Public Health», 2 cycles of «Selected questions for examination of the quality of health services», 4 cycles of «Selected questions about organization of audit with the elements of accreditation within the hospital», field training «Organizational bases of forming a healthy lifestyle»(Shymkent), «Actual problems of management of health resources»(Aktau), in 2010 – 4 cycles of «Selected questions of holding expertise of the quality of medical services», cycle of «Management and marketing in public health», in 2011 – «Actual problems of health organization», «Management and organization of public health».
Participation in the program of visiting professors facilitates achieving a high level of education and science at the department. In 2011, with the support of the rector KazNMU, there was twice arranged the visit of famous specialist in the field of public health, doctor of medical sciences, professor, honored scientist of Russian Federation, academician Komarov U.M., who conducted master-class for instructors, gave lectures for students and workers of public health. In 2012 organized the visit of Professor J. Padaiga, Head of the Department of Preventive Medicine, Dean of the Centre for International Co-operation and training of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.
Workers of the department conduct educational work with students, including lectures, discussions, surveys, attendance of cultural events. With the students of curatorial groups were held «Lessons of charity» in the special(correctional) boarding school #6 in Almaty, Almaty regional boarding school #15, the city center of palliative care, hospital of nursing care.
Propaganda of legal culture is actively promoted. Students enrolled in the department, become acquainted with the Code of honor of the student and department policy. Discussions about the messages of the President of the RK to people of Kazakhstan, «No corruption», «The rights of health care workers», «The rights of patients», an others are conducted with students. Scientific student club operates at the department, where students conduct scientific and research projects, report the results and win on the annual student conferences.