Department staff

Fadeуeva Olga Yurievna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of physical culture.

Higher education: Kazakh Institute of Physical Education, Almaty, specializing in physical education with the qualification of a teacher of physical education. Sports specialization – volleyball.

In 2001 she graduated from the full-time postgraduate study at the Kazakh State Academy of Sports and Tourism.

Fadeуeva O.Yu. is the author and co-author of more than 60 scientific papers, two of them are textbooks.

Scientific works have been published in scientific journals and materials of scientific and practical conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries, as well as far abroad (Canada, Italy, Germany). The topics of publications are physical culture and sports, education and medicine.

She is the head of students’ research work.

She is the chairman of the State Attestation Commission for the specialty “Physical culture and sport”, a reviewer of master’s and diploma works in the FCC, a reviewer and developer of educational programs in the specialty “Physical culture and sport”.

Olga Yurievna was awarded the bronze medal of KazNMU. She was awarded a diploma of KazNMU and the Akimat of Almaty, for the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the 90th anniversary of KazNMU, the Uzdik Ustaz medal for Teacher’s Day 2022.

Phone number: +77772138560, office phone. -2921413.


Department staff

Asylkhan Bakhytzhan, assistant of the department of physical culture.

In 2005 he graduated from the Kazakh Academy of Tourism and Sports, Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports, specializing in physical culture teacher and wrestling trainer.

In 2015, he graduated from the magistracy and received the degree of “Master of Social Sciences” from Taraz State University named after M.Kh.Dulati.

He is the bronze medalist of the international sambo championship in honor of the “50th anniversary of the founding of the sambo federation” in Almaty in 2004, he is also the winner of the sports competitions among oralmans held in Almaty in 2004 (1st place), 2005 (3rd place) , silver medalist of the International SAMBO Competition in Bishkek 2007

Since October 2007, he has been an employee of the Department of Physical Education of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.Zh. Asfendiyarov. In 2005 he defended the title of candidate master of sports in sambo.

In 2023, he won a bronze medal in grappling at the World Championships in the UAE among veterans.

He is the author of more than 10 scientific works that were published in Republican and international scientific and practical conferences and in scientific publications approved by the list of the Committee for Control over the Supervision of Education and Science.

Bakhytzhan is responsible for academic, sports and educational work at the school of general medicine, 1st year.

Phone number: 8 702 153 33 43


Baurzhan Zhunisbek, lecturer at the physical health center. Basketball KMS RK. Master of Educational Sciences.

2007 – graduated from the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism at the department of sports games.

2009 – accepted as a teacher at the Department of Physical Education and Health at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.

2009-2012 – graduated from the master’s program at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism.

Bauyrzhan is the chairman of the KazNMU sports club at the department of physical education.

He is the coach of the KazNMU men’s basketball team, which is a repeated participant in the National Student League of the Republic of Kazakhstan in basketball.

Contact phone: 87476305589


Butkey Sabit, assistant at the Physical Health Center. CMS table tennis. Master of Pedagogical Sciences.

2009 – graduated from the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism.

2010 – was accepted as a teacher at the Department of Physical Health Center at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov.

Butkey Sabit is responsible at the department for the educational and sports work of the School of Dentistry in the discipline “Physical Culture”.

Author of more than 6 articles. Articles have been published in collections of Republican scientific and practical conferences and journals.

A student, a participant in table tennis competitions, received 3rd place in the competitions of universities in Almaty.

Sabit is the coach of the national team of KazNMU students in table tennis.

Contact phone : 87014677707

Email address:

Dzhakipbaeva Raushan Alimkulovna, lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture.

In 1994 she graduated from the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism (the former Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture) in Almaty, specializing in physical culture with the qualification of a teacher of physical culture “Trainer”. Sports specialization – basketball.

In 2001 she was accepted as a teacher at the Department of Physical Education and Health of KazNMU named after. S. D. Asfendiyarov.

More than 22 scientific articles have been published. The topics of publications are physical culture and sports.

In 2022, she underwent advanced training at the National Scientific and Practical Center for Physical Culture in the specialty “Physical Culture and Sports”.

Raushan Alimkulovna is responsible for the VKK of the department and for the educational and sports work of the school of pediatrics in the discipline “Physical culture”.

Dzhakipbaeva Raushan Alimkulovna was awarded a bronze medal on Republic Day 2023.

Phone number: 8 702 098 53 19


Dzhigarbayev Bakytzhan Toktamberdievich, lecturer of the Center for Physical Health

Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, 2002.

Greco-Roman wrestling coach and physical education teacher.

Since 2003, he has been working as a lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov.

Sports qualification: Master of Sports in Greco-Roman wrestling. Champion and prize-winner of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Greco-Roman wrestling. Prize-winner of International Greco-Roman wrestling competitions. He represented Kazakhstan in many countries: Turkey, India, Greece, France, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia. Silver and bronze medalist of Asian Championships. Won 2nd place at the World Championship.

Bakytzhan Toktamberdievich is a financially responsible person at the workplace and the department.

Phone: 8 775 661 61 11.

Email address: .

Kalen Farida, lecturer at the Department of Physical Education. MSMK in rugby.

Higher education: Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurova, specialty “physical culture and sports”.

While studying at this university, I became interested in the sport of “rugby”, and played in the National Team of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Has the title of multiple “Champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Asia”,

Participant of the World Cup 2007 Canada, 2010, England.

1999 she received the title of “Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

In 2007 she received the title of “Master of Sports of the International Class of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

At the Department of Physical Education, she is responsible for the educational work of the department.

Farida is the coach of the KazNMU girls’ national football team and coach of the KazNMU men’s volleyball team.

Published scientific works in the materials of international scientific conferences and scientific journals. In 2018, he won the title of best coach in the national league competition among students of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2022, on the occasion of Medical Worker Day, “Algys Khat” was awarded.

Phone number: 8 747 351 7781


Kambarova Aigul Zhumabekovna Lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture. Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in rhythmic gymnastics.

In 1998 she graduated from the Zhetysu State University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov with a degree in physical education with the qualification of a teacher of physical education. In 2003 she graduated from the full-time postgraduate study at the Kazakh State Academy of Sports and Tourism.

In 2005 she was accepted as a teacher at the Department of Physical Education and Health at KazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov.

She is a Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, two-time champion of Kazakhstan in rhythmic gymnastics.

More than 20 scientific papers have been published. Publication subject – physical culture and sports.

In 2019, she underwent advanced training at the National Scientific and Practical Center for Physical Culture in the specialty “Physical Culture and Sports”.

Kambarova Aigul Zhumabekovna was awarded “Algys Khat” in 2019 and 2022 on the occasion of Medical Worker Day.

Aigul Zhumabekovna is responsible for the educational and sports work of the school of pharmacy in the discipline “Physical culture”.

Phone number: 8 702 664 50 12


Marshalkhan Ayat, lecturer at CFZ. Candidate for master of sports in freestyle wrestling.

Higher education: Almaty State University named after Abay, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, specialty “initial military training and physical education.” Qualification: “Basic military training and physical education teacher.” Graduated in 2005.

In 2008, he was accepted as a teacher of physical education at the Department of Physical Education at KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.

In 2014-2016 graduated from the master’s program in specialty 6M010300 – Pedagogy – psychology.

Scientific works: 39 articles, including 5 with impact factor.

Ayat is responsible for the educational and sports work of the school of public health in the discipline “Physical Education”.

Contact details: 87771716335


Natalia V. Pereverzeva, Acting lecturer of the Center for Physical Health, Master of Pedagogical Sciences. CMS volleyball.

Higher education: “Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism”, Faculty of Olympic Sports. In 2012, she graduated from the Master’s program at KazAST with a master’s degree in pedagogical Sciences.

From January 2006 to July 2008, she played for the Zhetisu volleyball club, as a team player. July 2008 – July 2009 Almaty Volleyball Club, from July 2009 to September 2010 Astana Volleyball Club.

Since 2015, she has worked as an assistant at the Department of Physical Culture, and since 2023 she has been transferred to the position of acting lecturer at the Center for Physical Health of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.

She is the author and co-author of more than 30 scientific papers, a participant of scientific and practical conferences in Kazakhstan and CIS countries, as well as foreign countries (Canada, Germany).

Awarded 2023. NAO KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov, K.Almaty. Құрмет грамотасы. Медицина қызметкері күні мерекесіне орай дансаулық сақтау саласындағы жемісті еңбегі және Университеттің дамуына қосқан үлесі үшін.

2023 у. Алғыс хат. Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университетінде өткен волейболдан қыздар командалары арасында ҚР «Студенттік спорт лигасына» қосқан үлесіңіз үшін бұқаралық спорттың дамуына атсалысып, жастар арасында оны кеңінен насихаттан, өскелең ұрпақты салауатты өмір салтына тәрбиелеуде ерекше қызмет етіп жүргеніңіз үшін алғыс білдіреміз. Қ. Түркістан.

2022 у. Алғыс хат. Еліміздегі бұқаралық спорттың дамуына үлес қосып, волейболдан ЖОО қыздар арасында Қазақстан студенттер лигасын өткізуге атсалысқанаңыз үшін сізге алғысымды білдіремін!

2021 у. Алғыс хат. Алматы қаласы спорт басқармасының басшысы. Тәуелсіздіктің 30 жылдығыны орай Алматы қаласы спорт басқармасының қолдауымен «ҚР әуеқоой волейбол федерациясы» қоғамдық қорының ұйымдастыруымен өткізілген волейболдан әйелдер командалары арасындағы «Алматы қаласының кубогі» үшін өткен жарысқа қатысқан.

2021 у. Мақтау қағазы . Алматы қаласы спорт басқармасының басшысы.

Natalia Viktorovna is responsible for the QMS and the development of 3-lingual in the center.

Trains the national team of KazNMU girls in volleyball, which is a multiple winners and prize-winners of Republican and city competitions.

Contact phone: 8 777 029 1959

Email address:

Rakhmetova Gulnur Nurgalievna I.about lecturer of the center of physical health. Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in basketball. Master of Pedagogical Sciences.

Higher education: In 2009 she graduated from the International Kazakh – Turkish University named after H.Yassawi, Turkestan.

In 2012, she graduated from the Master’s degree program at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism in Almaty.

Awarded the title of Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in basketball. No. 11051 Order No. 1 – 10/109 of April 23 . 2009 The certificate was issued on July 14, 2009.

She is the author and co-author of more than 30 scientific articles. The subject of publications is physical education and sports. She is a participant of scientific and practical conferences in the Republic of Kazakhstan and CIS countries, as well as foreign countries (Canada, Germany).

In 2018, she completed advanced training at the Center for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism in the specialty “Physical Education and sports: Basketball specialty” in the amount of 120 hours.

Gulnur Nurgalievna is responsible for anti-corruption education and office work at the center.

Awards: 2018 ж. Алғыс хат. Университтің өркендеуіне қосқан үлесі, оқу, тәрбие, ғылым және әкімшілік шаруашылық қызыметіндегі жетістіктері үшін.

Trains the national team of KazNMU girls in basketball, which is the repeated winners and prize-winners of Republican and city competitions, participants of the NSL RK.

Contact tel: 8747 817 55 78


Chinibayev Syrym Turarbekovich, assistant of the Physical Health Center. CMS for wrestling.

In 2002 he graduated from the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, Faculty of “Physical Culture and Sports”, majoring in physical education teacher and wrestling coach.

In 2000, he took second place in the regional Kazakh wrestling competitions. In 2001, he took third place at the Kazakh wrestling competitions in the city of Taraz.

Since 2007, he has been working as a teacher at the Department of Physical Culture and Health at the Kazakh National University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov.

In 2001, he received the title of “Candidate for Master of Sports” in wrestling.Author of more than 5 articles. Articles published in collections Republican scientific and practical conferences and journals.

Syrym Turarbekovich is responsible at the department for the educational an sports work of the School of General Medicine in the discipline “Physical Culture”, And also responsible at the department for СD, CP, FS, SE.

Contact phone: 8707 357 55 33

Email address: