The staff of the department


  • Nugmanova Z. S., MD, PhD, Professor, Division Chair
  • Nugumanova G. S., MD, Assistant Professor
  • Kalzhanbaeva G. R. MD, Assistant Professor
  • Sarsembiyeva A.A. MD, Assistant Professor

Division Chair Nugmanova Zhamilya, MD, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

tel. +7 7776980879, [email protected],graduated with distinction from Almaty State Medical Institute (currently, Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University) in 1972. As Chair of the Division, she is responsible for training in HIV care and enhancing KNMU’s recent commitment to biomedical research. Under her supervisiontwo doctoral and 12 master’s theseswere defended, she has about 200 publications.Additionally, she has studied at University at Albany School of Public Health.

Research Projects:

  1. KNMU internal research grant, 05/01/16-12/31/16 “The role of chronic inflammation, and alteration of adaptive immunity in the pathogenesis of accelerated aging in HIV infection”, Role: PI
  2. KNMU internalresearchgrant, 02/01/15-12/31/15 “HIV, HIV/HCV, and HIV/TB Infections in Almaty: Clinical Course; CCR5 and CXCR4 Tropism; CCR5 gene deletion; Molecular Genotyping of Tuberculosisin Patients with HIV/TB”, Role: PI
  3. KNMU internal research grant, 01/01/13-12/31/13, “Socially Determined Blood Borne Infections”, Role: Co-PI
  4. Glaxo Smith Kline Export LTD, 01/14-06/30/14, “Prospective epidemiological study of HLA-B*5701 allele distribution among 200 PLWH”, Role: PI

Dr. Nugmanova has worked closely with many of the implementing agencies in Kazakhstan on HIV and Infection Control related issues. Among them: AIHA, UNICEF, GIZ, EUNIDA/GIZ, ICAP/PEPFAR. She is Member of International AIDS Society, Coordinator for KNMU of the NYS ITRP DMS, SUNY.

As the results of her collaboration with international organizations the following agreements were achieved:

  • Agreement on cooperation between KazNMU School of Public Health and the New York State University at Albany, USA;
  • Memorandum of Cooperation on the distance learning between KazNMU, the Institute of retraining of medical personnel, Kyrgyzstan, Republican Center for Family Medicine, Tajikistan and Tashkent Institute for Continuing Medical Education under the auspices of GIZ (2011 – 2014);
  • Agreement between KazNMU and EUNIDA / GIZ on infection control and work with HIV Key population, 2012-2013

Nugumanova G. S.аssistant 87051181827, [email protected], – the main direction therapy, in labor activity has practical experience as the doctor as the therapist in regional hospital and after consultation of pregnant women in female consultation. I finished residency in “infectious diseases” on chair of infectious and tropical diseases with the course “HIV Infection and Infectious Control” of KAZNMU. Now deals with HIV infection issues, advises patients with HIV an infection in city clinics.

Kalzhanbaeva Gulmira Rakhatovna, assistant, 87071440224, [email protected], graduated from KazNMU, named after S.D. Asfendiyarova, Department of Pediatrics in 2005. In 2006, she graduated from the internship with a specialization in Infectious Diseases, incl. children’s. ” He has practical experience as an infectious disease doctor in urban polyclinics from 2006 to 2011. From 2011 to 2013, he studies at the residency specializing in Infectious Diseases at the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases with a course on HIV infection and infection control. General medical experience is 13 years. He is currently teaching students and advising patients with HIV infection.

Sarsembieva Ademi Anykbaevna, assistant, 87072257101, [email protected], graduated from KazNMU, named after S.D. Asfendiyarova, faculty of pediatrics in 2009. In 2010, she graduated from the internship with a degree in Pediatrics. From 2010 to 2013 she studied at the residency in the specialty “Infectious diseases, incl. children’s. ” After graduation from 2014 to 2018, she worked as an intern-teacher at the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases. From 2018 to 2019 she worked at the Department of Pathological Physiology. General medical experience -9 years. Currently, he is engaged in teaching students in this course and advising patients.