In 2013-2014. Scientific research works of students under the leadership of the prof. M. A. Kamaliyev students 4 rates of specialty “General Medicine” Turgaliyev A., 3 rates of specialty “medico-preventive case” Azizkhanov P. with scientific work on a subject participated in Republican tender: “Development and deployment of a laboratory information system in university clinics of KAZNMU of S. D. Asfendiyarov”; under the leadership of associate professor A. M. Shakhiyeva students of the 5th rate of specialty “Public Health Care” Dosmetov A., Sydykov M. on a subject: “The relation of medical students to euthanasia”, provided at the international conference “Strategic Questions of World Science” in Poland in 2014.
Continuously the circle “Urgent Problems of a Public Health and Health Care” works. Members of a circle actively participate in scientific life of department. Among students whose works took prizes in scientific student’s tenders at the university level – the student of the 5th rate of specialty “Public Health Care” Absamatova A. on a subject: «Стационар жағдайындағы орта медициналық персоналдың жұмыс аспектілерімен қанағаттану дәрежесін зерделеу» in the nomination “Boundless Creativity” under the leadership of PhDs in Medicine., associate professor Aytmanbetov A. A; the student 3 rates of specialty “General Medicine” Elzhas E. on a subject: «Студенттердің арасындағы туберкулез мәселесі» in the nomination “For the Will to Win” under the leadership of the senior teacher Zhakupov M. N.; the student of the 5th rate of specialty “Public Health Care” Mirzabayeva A. on a subject: «Стационардағы мейірбикелердің төлем ақысын зерттеу» in the nomination “The Best Student’s Work with Practical Value” under the leadership of PhDs in Medicine., associate professor Kozhekenov Zh. A.; student 3 rates of specialty “General Medicine” Қалдыбек And. on a subject: «Студенттердің арасында фаст-фуд өнімдерін қолданудағы зияндылығын медико-әлеуметтік зерттеу» in the nomination “For the Sharpest Discussion” under the leadership of the teacher Abiyrova N. B.
In 2014-2015 academic year under the direction of PPS of department a number of the student’s actions devoted to topical issues of public life is held. Among them a round table “Fight against corruption – an obligation of everyone” with participation of students 4 rates of specialty “Nurse business”, 3 rates of specialty “Public Health Care” and 1 rate of specialty “Mediko — Preventive Case” who acted with a subject: “Fight against corruption”, “Prevention of korruption”, “Ways of fight against corruption”; the round table devoted by RK Independence Day – “Independence – a way to the future” with participation of students 4 rates of specialty “Public Health Care” during which are sounded subjects: «Тәуелсіздік жолы – тарихи жол», «Тәуелсіздік құрбандары», «Қазақстан Республикасының Рәміздері», «Тәуелсіздік ұлт болашағы»; the conference devoted by Day of the First President – “Our President – our leader”, with participation of students 3 courses of specialty “Public Health Care” on which have made reports on subjects: «Елі үшін туған елбасы», “A way formation of the president”, “The founder of the independent state”, “The president – the guarantor of the Constitution”, “The personality on a national scale”.
In materials of scientific student’s works of KAZNMU the best works which have taken prizes in a student’s scientific conference of university are published: students 3 courses of specialty “General Medicine” Sydyk N., Kenzhebek And. on a subject: «Алматы қаласындағы жол – көлік оқиғасы кезіндегі алғашқы медициналық көмекті жетілдіру» under the leadership of PhDs in Medicine. Нурбакыт A.N., MD Talkimbayeva N. A.; 3 rates of specialty “General Medicine” of Amangeldiyev S., Naimangbai A. «Денсаулық сақтау мекемелеріндегі мейірбике персоналының ақпараттық-технологиялық жүйеге қатынасы және дайындығы» under the leadership of PhDs in Medicine. Aytmanbetova A. A.; 3 rates of specialty “General Medicine” of Sagynbekova A. «Көз кемшілігін көзәйнектік және контактілік түзетудің түрлі тұрғындар топтары үшін қолжетімділігі (Алматы қаласы мысалында)» under the leadership of Abiyrova. N.B, m of m of Ormanova A. M.; 3 rates of specialty “Public Health Care”Kasymalieva F.., Tagaybay D. «Қазіргі жағдайдағы Алматы қаласы әйелдерінің репродуктивті жүріс-тұрысы» under the leadership of Darmen N. Zh.; 3 rates of specialty “General Medicine” of Yuldasheva F., M., Mukhamedzhanov A. Zhumash. “The ethical problems of medicine connected with a public health” under the leadership of PhDs in Medicine. Shakhiyeva A. M.
In 2015-2016 at the III international scientific and practical conference “Science and medicine: a modern view of youth” student’s scientific work on the subject “the medico-social characteristic and the result of treatment of patients after coronary shunting”, the III international farabiyevsky reading work on the subject “Social and Demographic Characteristics and the Result of Treatment of Patients after Coronary Shunting” under the leadership of MD, professor Kamaliyev M. A. participated.
Under the direction of PPS departments are published scientific articles of students. Among them works in the collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Priorities of Public Health Care and Preventive Medicine in the 21st Century” work on a subject: «Неврологиялық қызмет жағдайы және аурушаңдық мәселесі», “Assessment of quality of the rendered out-patient services to the population”, «Жалпы тәжірибелік дәрігерлердің еңбек жағдайын бағалау» under the leadership of PhDs in Medicine. Нурбакыт A.N.; in the collection of the mezhdunaodny scientific and practical conference “World Science” on a subject: “Blood circulatory system diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan and providing the population with high-technology medical care” under the leadership of the prof. Kamaliyev M. A.