As a part of the working groups of MZ RK with the assistance of the leading research centers methodical references on scientific methodologically providing medico-sociological researches in the Republic of Kazakhstan are developed; to the integrated primary prophylaxis of the main groups of illnesses at the level of primary health care; to the main approaches to secondary prophylaxis of priority groups of illnesses among country people at the age of 18 years is also more senior; to primary and secondary prophylaxis of priority pathology at children aged from 12 up to 18 years; to monitoring of quality of performing medical examination of children from 12 to 18 years and country people of 18 years is also more senior; to management of the organization and holding actions for prophylaxis of the most significant diseases, RK and MZ RK “For Active Introduction of New Technologies in Monitoring and Prophylaxis of Diseases” (2004) noted by gratitude approved by the Ministry of Health.
The international programs for urgent problems of health care and medical education within projects of the European community, Fund by the Know-how, the British Council, Soros Kazakhstan Fund, etc. among which “Availability barriers to the population of a medical care” (1999-2001), “Official and informal payment of patients in the medical organizations” (2000-2002), “Development of the program of training in management of health care” (1999-2002), “Development of the program of training in economy of health care” (1999-2002), “Medico-social aspects problems ВИЧ / AIDS and STD among the men having sex with men” (2002-2004), “Granting the main set of services in prophylaxis of HIV to vulnerable groups of the population in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan” (2007-2009) are realized “Respect for the rights of LGBT in Kazakhstan” (2008-2009), “Law and health” (2008-2010), “Modernization of the higher medical education (2015-2017), etc.
Staff of department research works on contracts on public procurements with the Ministry of Health of RK “Rules of Rendering Paid Medical Services in the Organizations of Health Care, Medical Science and Education” (2004), “Determination of long-term need of an industry of health care for a personnel (2005), “Development and deployment of target indicators and indicators of activities of the bodies and organizations of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan directed to receipt of resulting effects, implementation of system of monitoring of an and assessment of implementation of components of the State program of reforming and development of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010” (2008), “A research of amounts of informal payments in health care (2009), “Monitoring and assessment of public-private partnership in the field of health care” (2010) are performed “Development of model (program) of anti-aging in ensuring active longevity of elderly people of Kazakhstan” (2011-2013), “Determination of categories of the health workers covered by compulsory insurance of professional responsibility” (2013) and MAUN RK “Scientific reasons for the complex solution of social and hygienic and medical problems of health of a rural population of RK” (2012-2014), “Development and deployment of model of comprehensive medical care” (2015-2017).
On grants of intra high school tender of KAZNMU of S. D. Asfendiyarov. NIR on the subject “Scientific Reasons for the Comprehensive Program of Correction and Prevention of a Stress in case of Emergency Situations” (2011), “Monitoring of medico-social aspects of health of students of KAZNMU” (2012), “Upgrade of management of the medical organization on the basis of new information technologies” (2013), “Scientific reasons for methodological approaches of adaptation of the international technologies of assessment of functioning of a health care system and implementation of model of the integrated medical help” are executed (2015)
Staff of department has carried out a lot of work on creation of the Museum of history of the Kazakh national medical university reflecting his formation, stages of development and activity. The museum has been solemnly open to the 70 anniversary of university in 2001.
In 2013-2014 academic year the international scientific and practical conference “Topical Issues of Formation of Public Health in the conditions of System Modernization of Health Care” devoted to 125 anniversary of S. D. Asfendiyarov is held; on international conferences, devoted to the 35th anniversary of the Almaty declaration on primary health care, professor Kamaliyev M.A.vystupil with the report “Information and analytical assessment of activity of bodies and organizations of health care”. 25 articles, have been published in foreign magazines including article with an impakt-factor of the senior teacher Nurbakyt of A.N. of “Career Intentions and Dropout Causes Among Medical Students in Kazakhstan”.
In 2014-2015 academic year the staff of department has published 30 articles in magazines KKSON of MAUN RK and 9 articles in collections of materials of scientific actions and others of a thesis journals, and also 4 theses, in foreign magazines.
In 2015-2016 academic year the staff of department has published 1 article in the foreign magazine, 2 articles in magazines KKSON by MAUN RK, 13 articles in collections of materials of scientific actions and other magazines, 16 theses, in foreign magazines.