Research Projects

  1. KNMU internal research grant, 05/01/16-12/31/16
  2. “The role of chronic inflammation, and alteration of adaptive immunity in the pathogenesis of accelerated aging in HIV infection”, Role: PI
  3. KNMU internalresearchgrant, 02/01/15-12/31/15
  4. “HIV, HIV/HCV, and HIV/TB Infections in Almaty: Clinical Course; CCR5 and CXCR4 Tropism; CCR5 gene deletion; Molecular Genotyping of Tuberculosisin Patients with HIV/TB”, Role: PI
  5. KNMU internal research grant, 01/01/13-12/31/13, “Socially Determined Blood Borne Infections”, Role: Co-PI
  6. Glaxo Smith Kline Export LTD, 01/14-06/30/14, “Prospective epidemiological study of HLA-B*5701 allele distribution among 200 PLWH”, Role: PI


  1. Zhamilya S. Nugmanova, GainelUssataeva, Louise-Anne McNutt “Seatbelt and child-restraint use in Kazakhstan: attitudes and behaviours of medical university students”, Injury Prevention, BMJ, 2014; 0: 1 – 4. Импакт фактор-1,941 – Thompson Reuters, 2014


  1. Nugmanova, N. Patel, A. Nurbakhyt, et. al., “Universal precautions in Central Asia: the need formultiple strategies in this window of opportunity”, Journal of Hospital Infection 89 (2015) 197-201. Импакт – фактор- 2,782


  1. Zhamilya S Nugmanova, Nimish Patel, Gulzhakhan M Akhmetova, Gulnara S Kurmangalieva, Malika K Abdumananova, Aikan A Akanov, Natalia G Kovtunenko, Louise-Anne McNutt, «Relationship between vitamin D and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) viral load among HIV-infected patients in Kazakhstan», J Infect Dev Countries 2015; 9(11):1277-1283. Импактфактор– 1.14 (Thomson Reuters, 2015).


  1. ZhamilyaS.Nugmanova, NataliyaG. Kovtunenko, GulzhakhanM. Akhmetova, GulnaraS. Kurmangalieva, MalikaK. Abdumananova, Louise-AnneMcNutt “The need to develop effective HIV education for medical students in Central Asia: Insights from a cross-sectional study among medical students in Almaty, Kazakhstan”, AIDS 2016, 21 International AIDS Conference, July 2016, Durban, SA



  1. Conaboy KA, NugmanovaZ, Yeguebaeva S, Jaeger F, Daugherty RM. Central Asian republics: a case study for medical education reform.J ContinEducHealthProf. 2005 Winter;25(1):52-64. PMID:16078803


  1. Nugmanova, A. Duisenova “Our experience with applying distance learning for HIV courses” KazNMU Proceedings, 2011, №2,152 – 156



  1. Nugmanova, O. Dautche, A.Azimova, Z. Botbaeva, N.Tentiev “Distance Learning as a Critical Tool of Strengthening of Human Capital and Inter – Professional Education”, KazNMU Proceedings, 2014, #3 (2), c.126 – 128.


  1. Nugmanova “Competence – Based Education in the Light of the WHO Guidelines of 2013” KazNMU Proceedings, 2014, #3 (2), c.128 – 131.



  1. Nugmanova, M. Abirova, S. Esenkulova “Contemporary Teaching Theories and Competence-Based Medical Education” KazNMU Proceedings, 2015, #3, c.407 – 412.


  1. Trumova Z., Kuttykozhanova G., Nugmanova Z., e.a. “Prevention of Perinatal Transmission of HIV in Kazakhstan” Infectology Journal, Proceedings of All-Russia Congress “Infectious Diseases in Children”, St-Peterburg, 2013, v.5, #4, p.103.



  1. Trumova, Z. Nugmanova, e.a. “ART of PLWH in Kazakhstan”, KazNMU Proceedings, 2014, #1, c.38-39.


  1. Nugmanova, A. Akanov, e.a. “Evaluation of risk behavior of medical students to make informed decisions in developing evidence based training programs on HIV / AIDS”, IV Eastern Europe and Central Asia HIV/AIDS Conference, May, 2014, p. 143.



  1. Nugmanova “HIV Prevention: a Shift of Emphasis at this Stage of the Epidemic in the Republic of Kazakhstan” KazNMU Proceedings, 2014, #1, c.421 – 425.


  1. Nugmanova, G. Akhmetova, G. Kurmangalieva et al. “”Clinical – Laboratory Characteristics of Patients Coinfected with HIV / TB in Kazakhstan”, Medicine, 2015, #5/155, 71 – 73



  1. Terloyeva, Z. Nugmanova, G. Akhmetova, A.Akanov, N. Patel, V. Lazariu, L.Norelli, L-A McNutt “Untreated Depression among Persons Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Kazakhstan: a Cross-Sectional Study” (in press)


  1. Nugmanova, E Durumbetov “Optimization of model system for the prevention of nosocomial infections in medical institutions of the Republic Kazakhstan”, chapter 3, p. 125-151, In book “Integration in Health Care: Experience, Challenges, Perspective”, Almaty, 2012, 192 p..


  1. Nugmanova “Prevention of health care associated HIV and other bloodborne infections” KazNMU Proceedings, 2010, special issue, c.135 – 140


  1. Barry Cookson, George Schmit, YdrankaMimica, Olga de Vogel de Haan, ZhamilyaNugmanova “Analysis of Infection Control Situation in Astana, Taraz, and Almaty Republic of Kazakhstan – Report prepared for the Kazakhstan Ministry of Health in the framework of EUNIDA/GIZ Project, 2013.


  1. Nugmanova “Competence-oriented education in the light of the WHO Guidelines 2013”, Bulletin KazNMU, №3 (2) – 2014, C. 128 – 131.


  1. Nugmanova “Preventing the risk of HIV and other bloodborne infections in the preparation and delivery of health care (Review)” Bulletin KazNMU 2010, №5, spets.vypusk, par


  1. Nugmanova “HIV infection in women of reproductive age,” Herald KazNMU 2010, №5, spets.vypusk, par


  1. Nugmanova “The model optimization system for the prevention of nosocomial infections in medical institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” Monograph Omarova MN etc. “Integration in health: experience, problems, prospects, Almaty”., 2012, 192 p.


  1. Present-day Aspects of Public Health in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Medical and Health Science Journal, V.12, 2012


  1. Trumova ZZ, Situation Analysis of sexual HIV infection and preventive measures carried out in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan collection of materials SPC “Health of the Nation, the wealth of the people, the Plan MziSR, №12-2015, with 31-37


  1. Ermuhanova NT, Utepbergenova GA, et al, zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in southern Kazakhstan. PBMCs “Medical Physiology and Nutrition is the basis of health and longevity,” SKO, Shymkent, 24-25 September, with 227-228


  1. Nugmanova, Nakisbekov NO, Akhmetov GM, NurmoldinSh.M., Kalzhanbaeva GR, Kovtunenko NG Heterozygous carriers of allelic polymorphism of CCR5-Δ32 in HIV-infected individuals gAlmaty V International Conference on HIV / AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Moscow, Russia, March 2016


  1. Nugmanova, Terloeva D. Akhmetov GM, GS Kurmangaliyeva, Abdumananova MK, Louise-Anne McNutt Depressive disorders in HIV-infected individuals, the V International Conference on HIV / AIDS Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Moscow, Russia, March 2016


  1. Z Trumova Prospects for the elimination of vertical transmission of HIV in Kazakhstan. Looking independent expert. V International Conference on HIV / AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Moscow, Russia, March 2016


  1. Akhmetova GM The main results of the study the reasons for low adherence to ART among people living with HIV in Kazakhstan V International Conference on HIV / AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Moscow, Russia, March 2016


  1. Nugmanova etc. “Modern theory of learning and competence – oriented medical education”, Journal of KazNMU, №3-2015, with 407- 412


  1. Nugmanova, “The phenomenon of accelerated aging in HIV infection: the need for a paradigm shift in the delivery of assistance to people living with HIV at the present stage (review)”, International scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of HIV infection”, St. Petersburg, 2016 122 – 128


  1. Nugmanova, Akhmetov GM, GS Kurmangaliyeva, Kovtunenko NG Kalzhanbaeva GR “Assessment of the risk of HIV infection among students – physicians in health care”, ibid. 286 – 287