Achievement of the high education level and science at department is promoted by participation in the program of viziting-professors. At department visits were organized repeatedly:
- – PhD, professor, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, academician Komarov Yu. M. (Russia),
- – head of the department of preventive medicine, dean of the center of international cooperation and training of the Lithuanian university of sciences of health Zh. Padayga (Lithuania),
- – the famous specialists in the field of informatization of health care of the director of CJSC HisasYa. Saulyus and directors of CJSC Sanema H. Baubinas (Lithuania),
- – specialist of public health care A. Supadi (Germany),
- – teacher of department of public health care of the North Illinois university N. Almagambetova (USA),
- – dean of faculty of nurse business of the Lithuanian university of sciences of health, professor Yu. Matsiyauskene (Lithuania).
In 2012-2013 academic year staff of department of public health care of Aytmanbetov A. A., Kozhekenova Zh. A., Nurbakyt And. became scholars of the Center of the International programs and have passed a monthly scientific and pedagogical training in the Lithuanian University of Sciences of Health (LUSH), the city of Kaunas.
In 2015-2017 “Modernizing Health Education in Universities/ModeHEd” is implemented the Erasmus project +. The project has provided modernization of the existing training programs on seven disciplines which are directly connected with public health care with use of the best practices of universities of the European Union. For implementation of the project the consortium of universities of Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan is created. Within the project training by partner universities of the EU is carried out; adaptation and restructuring of training courses concerning public health care; improvement of educational and methodical complexes of disciplines; development of multimedia approach to training; equipment by the educational equipment, etc.
In 2018-2019 academic year at the Department of Public Health and Healthcare hold the International School “Management of Changes in the Health System”, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Alma-Ata Declaration and the International Conference on Primary Health Care, for undergraduates and phd students of the specialty “Public Health” of the National Medical University, Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education, Kazakh-Russian Medical University, Kazakhstan Medical University “KSPH”.
The key speaker of the International School is ZhilvinasPadaiga, a professor at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.Within the framework of the international school, the following questions will be covered: the real situation in the health care system and the necessary changes; prevention planning; health economics; budget of the prevention program, etc.