Master classes and trainings

In the period from 06.05.2024 to 13.05.2024, within the framework of academic mobility, as a visiting professor, MD, Professor of the Department of Public Health, Professor Toguzbayeva Karlygash Kabdeshevna conducted master classes and trainings, lectured on various sections of hygiene and environmental protection for students, masters, doctoral students and teaching staff in the amount of 36 hours.

In the period from 13.05.2024 to 19.05.2024 within the framework of the academic mobility program, Associate Professor Tekmanova Ainur Kumarbekovna, Kusayynova Elmira Izbasarovna, lecturer of the Department of Public Health of the NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarova” held master classes and trainings, gave lectures on various sections of hygiene and environmental hygiene by a young teacher and students of the Department of Public Health of the International Higher School of Medicine in the amount of 36 hours.

The main topic was devoted to the following issues: physical foundations of radioactivity; natural and artificial radioactivity; radioactive waste; general issues of radioecology and the physical nature of radiation; characteristics of radiation-hazardous objects; characteristics of doses of ionizing radiation; Dosimetry. Types of radiation doses and their units of measurement; basics of radioecological safety; radiosensitivity of living organisms; International principles of radiation safety and basic requirements radiation protection.

The management of the International Higher School of Medicine, represented by Rector S.M. Akhunbayev, expressed gratitude to Professor Toguzbayeva Karlygash Kabdeshevna, Associate Professor Tekmanova Ainur Kumarbekovna and lecturer Kusayynova Elmira Izbasarovna for the work done.