Biography of honorable Head of the Department Toregeldy S. Sharmanov
M.D., Ph.D., Professor
Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, The President of Kazakh Academy of Nutrition, The President of the Academy of Preventive Medicine, WHO consultant, Laureate of State Honor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Science Fellow of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Laureate of Independent Honor “Platinum Tarlan”. Honourable Head of Department of Nutritiologi.
Toregeldy Sharmanov was born on October 19, 1930 in village of Ulytau of Karaganda Province (nowadays Djeskazgan Province). After graduating from the Karaganda State Medical University in 1955 and postgraduate studies in 1958, he worked as the chief doctor of the Central District Hospital of Ulytausky district of Karaganda Province. He headed the Department of Nutritional Hygiene in 1962-1968 at the National Research Institute (RI) of Province Pathology under Kazakhstan Ministry of Health. From 1968 to 1971 – the Rector of the Aktubinsk Medical University and the Chair of the Department of Pharmacology.
From 1971 to 1982 – the Minister of Healthcare of Kazakhstan.
From 1973 to 1984, Toregeldy Sharmanov at the same time was the director of Kazakh Branch of the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, created under his initiative.
Since 1988 he was the Director of the Institute of Regional Problems and now he is the Director of the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition. The Academy is the center for complex surveys in the sphere of hygiene, biochemistry, immunology, physiology of nutrition, as well as dietary prevention and dietary therapy in the Republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
He is the head of international research projects on elimination of iron-deficiency anemia, iodine deficiency, breast-feeding support, medical demographic studies, and the national policy of nutrition, executed through technical and financial support of UNICEF, WHO, UNDP, USAID, “Macro International, Inc.”, “Wellstart”, and others.
He was the chief editor of journal “The Issues of Nutrition” (1985-1988) and was the chair of the Nutrition Department at the Continuous Education Courses of Qualifications of Medical Doctors Institute in Moscow and since May 1995 he has been the President of the Academy of Preventive Medicine of Kazakhstan. Since 1979 he was the chief editor of journal “Health and Diseases”.
The unique Center of Child Nutrition that has no analogues on the CIS territory was established under his initiative; new products of child nutrition and some medical-preventive food products were introduced in the healthcare practice.
Under the initiative of Sharmanov, and due to his efforts in 1979 the Institute of Nutrition became the first Collaborating Center on Nutrition in the world. Today, it cooperates with the WHO, and since 1997– with the UN University.
Under his supervision more than 40 theses for doctor’s degree and 135 theses for candidate’s degree in medicine were defended. Toregeldy Sharmanov is the author of more than 460 publications, 38 monographs, and 40 inventions. Three times he was elected to the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2001 Sharmanov became the laureate of the State Honor of Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of science and technology for a line of works of several authors: “Development of Fundamental Applied Aspects of Nutrition Science in the Republic” (for the period from 1974 to 2000). Since 2001 he is the Honored Fellow of Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2003 he became the laureate of the nationally acclaimed honor “Tarlan” of highest degree – platinum – for his contribution to science.
His son Almaz Sharman, M.D., Ph. D, professor at the John Hopkins University (USA) and his daughter-in-law – Dana Sharman, M.D., M.P.H. – is a doctor-gynecologist. Toregeldy Sharmanov is a grandfather of three grandchildren: Alua graduated from the University of Maryland (USA), married, living in the United States, Torehan – 21 years old, and Askar – 19 years old.
Kaynarbaeva Maygul Seydullaevna Head of Department of Nutrition
Kaynarbaeva Maigul Seydullaevna graduated in 1996 from the Kazakh State Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarova specialty “Hygiene, Epidemiology” and was qualified as “hygienist- epidemiologist.”
In 2008-2010, in the KazNMU received a second degree in “Health Management” with the qualification “Bachelor of Health Management.”
Research and teaching activities at the Department of Food started in 1996 in the position of trainee-teacher (1996-1998), later continued as a teacher (2000-2005), senior lecturer and director of studies department (2005-2011). In 2010 she defended her thesis on “Hygienic evaluation of the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency among children under 5 years in ecologically unfavorable regions of RK”. Since 2011 is an assistant professor.
On September 1, 2014 appointed head of the Department of Nutrition.
During this period Kaynarbaeva M.S. took an active part in the implementation of international and national research on the study of nutrition and the prevention of nutrition-related diseases.Also she is actively involved in social work in KazNMU.
- Scientific Secretary sanitary of Hygiene faculty- 2003-2005;
- Head of capacity development at KazNMU – 2008
- Deputy Director of the Department of Human Resource Development – 2009
- Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council KazNMU – 2009- 2010
- The Executive Director of the “Center of healthy nutrition” with the PA “Academy of Preventive Medicine” -2011 year
- The Executive Director of the NCHN “National Center of healthy nutrition ” -2012 year.
Kaynarbaeva MS to enhance their expertise took courses on “Basics of Leadership” (2008), “Service personnel management in a crisis. New challenges and technology work “(2008),” Food Safety and WTO Accession “(2012), etc.
Kaynarbaeva MS is the author / co-author of many educational, manuals and scientific publications.
In 2016 Kaynarbaeva MS. was awarded a breastplate “Excellent Health” Ministry of Health and Social Security of RK. Also diploma of the Akimat of Almaly region for its contribution to health and active participation in social and public life of the city of Almaty region.
Khassenova Gulstan.
Position: CANDIDATES degree in Medical sciences
Contact number: 8(72)752313
E-mail: [email protected]
Education: Samarkand Medical Institut. Pediator-doctor.
Experience: Participated in several Scientific Projects
a). «Development of an anti-aging model (program) to provide the active longevity to elderly people of Kazakhstan “In the section: Development of a comprehensive prevention program for osteoporosis in Kazakhstan», (2011-2013).
b). «Services on implementation and advocacy of healthy nutrition “as part of the National Programme, ” Salamatty Kazakhstan “, focused on improvement of Public Health in Kazakhstan, (2011-2015).
c). Programme « Targeted development of university science based on an innovative result of the project «Integrated prevention of the epidemic of obesity and body overweight in Kazakhstan», (2012-2015).
d). Project within the framework of the state program of the RK Ministry of Health Health reeks “Further training for professionals with prior education and work experience in the realm of Nutritionist and Nutrition Profile”, ( 2012-2014).
e) “Advanced monitoring of domestic and imported food products for the maintenance of fatty acid trans-isomers and an estimation of their influence on the prevalence of non-communicable diseases in Kazakhstan.” (2016).
Publications: 35 scientific articles and thesis.
- ChuyenbekovaArdak Baibarakovna
- Position:CANDIDATES degree in Medical sciences
- 3. Contact number: 8(727) 375 2313, mobile phone +7 701764 70 53
- 4. Electronic address:
- 5. Education:Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1996.Department of Public health Sanitation. Majored in Sanitation, Hygiene, Epidemiology.
Qualification: Physician Epidemiologist
- Experience : Participated in several Scientific Projects
Programme « Targeted development of university science based on an innovative result of the project «Integrated prevention of the epidemic of obesity and body overweight in Kazakhstan», (2012-2015).
“Advanced monitoring of domestic and imported food products for the maintenance of fatty acid trans-isomers and an estimation of their influence on the prevalence of non-communicable diseases in Kazakhstan.”, (2016).
2020 – the program “Monitoring the implementation of a program to protect, support and promote the practice of breastfeeding WHO / UNICEF in medical organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
- Grants
- Publications:45 scientific articles and thesis.
1.Name and Surname: Aydar Berdygaliev
2.Regalia: MD, Associate Professor, “Excellent Health of Kazakhstan.”
3.Email: [email protected]
4.Education:1999 ж. С.Ж. Асфендияров атындағы ҚазММУ педиатрия факультетін бітірді, педиатр –дәрігер мамандығын. 2000 г.– педиатр –дәрігер мамандығы бойынша интернатураны бітірді.
5.Scientific activities:
- An experience implementation leadership activity
- scientific organizations;
- The organization works and effective cooperation organizational units;
- Experience Solutions economic, production work organization;
- Experience in training annual and final reports on the results scientific activity;
- Preparation of bids to provide services public and non-governmental organizations;
- Organization under the theme seminars, meeting and international conferences;
- Published 1 monograph, 30 scientific articles, theses and reports in international and national congresses сonferences and rating publications recognized in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
6.Grants : Successful experience design and implementation 9 major research nutrition and prevention of noncommunicable diseases.
7.Professional activity:The developer of educational programs for students in the specialties: “Dentistry”, “General Medicine”, etc., as well as regulatory legal documents regulating the organization of dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition, documents confirming the quality and safety of food products.
8.Language skills: Kazakh, Russian – fluent, English – with a dictionary.
Surnames, names: Amankeldi Aqbota Nurlybekqyzy
Regalia: assistant
Contacts: 87779323988
Email: [email protected]
Education: Higher education, in 2020 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, specialty Biomedicine.
- Grants: no
- Scientific publications: no
- Surnames, names: Sapargalee Asem
- Regalia: assistant
- Contacts: 87763758923
- Email: [email protected]
6. Education: higher,entered in 2003 Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, medical Faculty, therapist, gastroenterologist.
- Grants: no
- 8. Scientific publications: no
Surnames, names: Svetlanova Shnara Muratkyzyz
Regalia: Teaching Assistant, Master of Medical Sciences
Contacts: 87479611638
Email: [email protected]
Education: Higher education, 2021, Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University, specialty «Public Health» , 2023, KMU «Higher School of Public Health» specialty «Medical and preventive medicine».
- Grants: no
- Scientific publications: 5 scientific publications
1.Full name: Dzhanbatyrova Ainur Yerezhepovna
- Regalia: Master of Medical Sciences
4.Contacts: +7 707 220 00 80
5.Email: [email protected]
- Education: higher education, West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after M. Ospanov, 2005-2011;
Specialization: Sanitary doctor, an epidemiologist.
Kazakh Medical University of continuing education.
Specialty: master of medical science with a degree in Preventive Medicine.
- Scientific works: 1 scientific articles.
- First name: Bykybayeva Salima
- Position: Мaster of medical sciences
- Contacts: 2 (727) 375 2313, mobile phone 87024319703
- E–mail: [email protected]
- Education: Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1996. Department of Public health Sanitation. Majored in Sanitation, Hygiene, Epidemiology. Qualification: Physician Epidemiologist
- Experience : Participated in several Scientific Projects
Programme « Targeted development of university science based on an innovative result of the project «Integrated prevention of the epidemic of obesity and body overweight in Kazakhstan», (2012-2015).
“Advanced monitoring of domestic and imported food products for the maintenance of fatty acid trans-isomers and an estimation of their influence on the prevalence of non-communicable diseases in Kazakhstan.”, (2016).
- Grants
- Publications:30 scientific articles and thesis.
- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Nutrition of NAO “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov”
- 87013665878
- [email protected]
- Education: higher medical, in 2003 she graduated from the Kazakh National Medical University. In 2010 she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic: “Prevention of anemia and iodine deficiency in women of reproductive age in the Northern region of Kazakhstan” in the specialty 14.00.07 – hygiene.
- Scientific activity: there are certificates of international, republican scientific and practical conferences. She has published more than 30 scientific articles. Participated in the implementation of scientific projects of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- “Organization of improvement cycles on healthy, therapeutic and preventive and safe nutrition for doctors of various specialties on the basis of the Department of Nutrition of the Kazakh National Medical University. S.D. Asfendiyarov” – advanced training for specialists with a previous level of education and work experience in the specialties of nutrition and nutrition profile;
- “Comprehensive prevention of the epidemic of overweight and obesity in Kazakhstan”;
- National studies of micronutrients – 2006;
- Development and distribution for students of secondary schools of the republic for biology lessons 5 thematic computer programs for interactive teaching healthy eating.
- Assessment of natural nutritional norms for persons receiving special social services in medical and social institutions (organizations) of the system of social protection of the population (UNDP, 2022)
- Evaluation of school meals in Kazakhstan. (UNICEF, 2023)
- There are state awards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Algys Khat”, diplomas.
Kozhahmetova Aygul Nagashbekovna
Position: Senior lecturer
Contact number: 2 (727) 375 2313, +7 777 234 6778
Electronic address:
Education Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Department of Public health Sanitation. Majored in Sanitation, Hygiene, Epidemiology.
Qualification Physician Gygienist – Epidemiologist
Experience : Participated in several Scientific Projects
1. «Development of an anti-aging model (program) to provide the active longevity to elderly people of Kazakhstan» In the section: «Development of a comprehensive prevention program for osteoporosis in Kazakhstan.», (2011-2013).
2.«Services on implementation and advocacy of healthy nutrition “as part of the National Programme, ” Salamatty Kazakhstan “, focused on improvement of Public Health in Kazakhstan, (2011-2015).
3.The Programme «Targeted development of university science» based on an innovative result of the project «Integrated prevention of the epidemic of obesity and body overweight in Kazakhstan.», (2012-2015).
4.Project within the framework of the state program of the Ministry of Health in Kazakhstan “Further training for professionals with prior education and work experience in the realm of Nutritionist and Nutrition Profile.”, ( 2012-2014).
5.”Advanced monitoring of domestic and imported food products for the maintenance of fatty acid trans-isomers and an estimation of their influence on the prevalence of non-communicable diseases in Kazakhstan.”, (2016).
6.Worked on Grants
Publications: 40 scientific articles and thesis were published and presented.
- BeisbekovaArailymKairatovna
- Мaster of medical sciences, Doctor (PhD) in Public Health Service, Lecturer
- Contacts: 8707 203 78 23
- Email: [email protected]
- Education: higher, Kazakh National Medical University named after SD Asfendiyarov, 040340 – “Hygiene and epidemiology”
- Scientific activity: 2011-2014 «Организация проведения постоянного биологического мониторинга за обеспеченностью индикаторных групп населения йодом, железом, фолиевой кислотой и витамином А во всех областях республики и г.г. Астана и Алматы».
2013-2014 «Обосновать методику сапплементации рисковых групп населения витамином А на примере наиболее проблемных по данному гиповитаминозу регионах республики»
2015-2017 «Инновационные подходы для совершенствования стратегии профилактики йодододефицитных заболеваний (ЙДЗ) и болезней системы кровообращения через сокращение потребления натрия с солью и укрепление йодирования пищевой соли».
2016 «Формирование принципов здорового питания»
Since 2011 participating in Ensuring the Quality of Iodine Procedures (EQUIP) Laboratory Quality Assurance and Standardization Program by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta, USA) to testing for iodine deficiency. Also a member of the QUICK (Quality Urine Iodine Control by KAN) program which was founded in the framework of the International Resource Laboratories for Iodine (IRLI) regional network. The main aim of this program is evaluation of accuracy of urine iodine analyses and rendering for CEE/CIS region Labs consultative assistance and support.
- Grants
9. Scientific publications: 30.