On December 10, 2024, an event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan called “Tauelsizdik tugyrym” was held in the conference hall of the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition at 10.00 a.m. at the faculty level.
The purpose of this event is to create patriotic feelings for one’s homeland, a sense of civic duty, and responsibility to the future. To create a sense of responsibility for everyone in the face of history.
Organizers: Teaching staff of the Department of Public Health Toguzbaeva K.K., Tekmanova A.K., Kusainova E. I. Kozhakhmetova A.N. Associate Professor of the Department of Nutritionology named after T.Sharmanov, Beisenbinov J.B. Assistant professor of the Department of Epidemiology of the course of HIV infection and IC. The participants stressed that the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a holiday that is rightfully considered a symbol of freedom and power of our state. Since gaining independence, our people have brilliantly continued the great history of Kazakhstan with new achievements and successful transformations.
The 3rd year students of the specialty Public Health talented youth demonstrated their skills, decorated the festive event and raised the spirits of all participants, as well as the hosts organized interactive games on the topic.
The audience highly appreciated the creativity and skills of the students who participated in this event.
In the future, in addition to educating young people, the main focus is on revealing their natural talents and abilities, increasing the number of demanding individuals who work tirelessly towards the future of our country.
The bright future of our independent country is in the hands of our youth!