- 05.2016g action dedicated to the International Day of Remembrance of the dead from AIDS.
- Forum on the theme: “Corruption – an obstacle on the road to progress and prosperity of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” Implementation KazNMU anti-corruption policy, together with the department “Medical Law the basics of honey.legislation “May 27, 2016 in GTSSPID
- The Forum on the topic “Prevention of STIs. Family Planning “, jointly with the department of” Health Policy and Management “, May 30, 2016 on the basis of the GC AIDS.
- The First International Debate Tour of Students of the CIS Universities “Speak-up AIDS”
with the exhibition on October 21-22, 2017г
- Conference dedicated to the World AIDS Day 2017 under the auspices of the “Right to health” “The role of PHC in the implementation of the right of PLHIV to health” on December 5 in the Hall of “Glory”
- Seminar-master class on the topic “Recent advances in HIV treatment”, based on the materials of the 9th International AIDS Society (IAS2017) conference “HIV Science”, Paris, France, July 2017. with professors Jack DeHovitz, MD, MPH, Honored Professor, Department of Medicine, SUNY Medical Center, New York, USA, David Odegard, MPH, Education Director, STAR Program, SUNY Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA 11/17/2012